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Digibee Presents at Kong API Summit 2024

Kong API Summit logo

EVENT: Kong’s Virtual API Summit
WHEN: September 11-12, 2024
WHERE: Virtual
(see the agenda)
HOW TO FIND US: Join our virtual presentation “24X Productivity in Building Distributed ApplicationsSeptember 11 at 3:40PM (ET)
HOW TO ATTEND: Register here

Digibee will join global innovators and visionaries in the API space for a virtual event exploring future technologies, best practices, and innovation in building better digital experiences managing APIs across different environments.

Join Digibee’s Customer Success Manager Paula Arencibia for our presentation demonstrating how Digibee partnered with Mariner Logistics to achieve an astounding 24X acceleration in productivity building distributed applications. Hear how Mariner challenged the traditional approach to software development and embraced a new mindset to keep up with demand and ensure growth.

Want to learn firsthand how our powerful product offers a fast, efficient, cost-effective, and streamlined approach to modern integration challenges? Schedule a demo to talk to our team about your business use cases and challenges, or sign up test out a trial of our product and see the ease and intuitive UX for yourself.

Digibee is named a Leader in the iPaaS Market by G2

zoomed in view of leader quadrant on G2's grid showing Digibee

In collaboration with G2, Digibee has been named a Leader in the integration platform as a service category for enterprises for summer 2024 based on receiving a high customer satisfaction score and having a large Market Presence. 


G2’s Grid Scoring Methodology rates products and sellers through a combination of reviews gathered from the G2 user community, data aggregated from online sources, and social networks. Satisfaction and Market Presence scores are calculated in real time by a unique algorithm. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Digibee is recommended as a leading product in the iPaaS market by G2
  • 100% of users rated it 4 or 5 stars
  • 96% of users believe our product is headed in the right direction
  • 95% of users said they would be likely to recommend Digibee
  • 94% of users said we are easy to do business with
  • Digibee has a 91/100 satisfaction score
  • On average, 94% of users find our product easy to set-up, use, and administer
  • Features of Digibee’s platform regularly receive high user satisfaction rankings 
Graphic showing Digibee's ranking on the G2 leader grid

Digibee reviews sourced by G2

See all our reviews on G2

Looking to simplify your integrations with a great partner? Let’s talk.

Schedule a meeting with our integration experts to discuss your unique business needs and challenges and learn how Digibee can help.

15 Benefits of iPaaS Solutions (Real-World Solutions)

Imagine your business as a puzzle, with each piece representing a different application, system, or data source. Before the advent of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), putting this puzzle together was a daunting task, fraught with inefficiencies and siloed data. According to the 2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report, 75% of enterprises struggle with data silos, leading to operational inefficiencies and missed opportunities. This staggering statistic underscores the urgent need for a solution like iPaaS to streamline integration processes and unlock the full potential of enterprise data.

Transforming Workflows into Reusable Code Libraries: The Power of Capsules

The need to integrate multiple applications and services has become more urgent now than ever. As a result, many organizations have turned to APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) as a way to enable seamless communication between different systems. However, this approach, when applied to internal use cases, can lead to higher costs and limited flexibility.

Evaluating Two Leading Integration Platforms: Digibee vs. Boomi

Based on the results of reviewers on G2, Digibee’s integration platform surpasses Dell’s Boomi in several key categories: likelihood of recommending to a friend or colleague, partnership, overall ease of use, quality of support, security standards, and the product direction. Digibee also rated higher on meeting requirements, API designer, communication protocols, data encryption, and flow designer. But don’t just take our word for it, take a look at these comparisons from G2.

Digibee reviews sourced by G2

See all our reviews on G2

Looking to simplify your integrations? Let’s talk.

Schedule a meeting with our integration experts to discuss your unique business needs and challenges and how Digibee can help.

What is SaaS Integration? Benefits, Challenges, and Approaches

In today’s digital landscape, the average enterprise utilizes a multitude of SaaS (Software as a Service) applications to manage various aspects of their operations. From customer relationship management (CRM) tools like Salesforce to project management platforms like Asana, SaaS tools have become indispensable. However, with this growing reliance comes the need for seamless integration between these tools to ensure smooth data flow and optimized workflows. This is where SaaS integration comes into play.

Unleash the Power of Event-Driven Integration

Event driven architecture graphic showing how events enter a for each loop

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations face the constant challenge of integrating diverse applications and data systems. Traditional integration approaches often struggle with scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. Event-driven architecture (EDA) offers a compelling alternative, promising more responsive and adaptable integration strategies. This blog post delves into how Digibee harnesses the power of EDA to simplify and enhance complex integrations.

Evaluating Two Leading Integration Platforms: Digibee vs. MuleSoft

Based on the results of reviewers on G2, Digibee’s integration platform surpasses MuleSoft from Salesforce in several key categories: likelihood of recommending to a friend or colleague, partnership, quality of support, ease of administration and overall ease of use, product direction, real-time integrations, reusable connectors, and data encryption. Digibee also rated higher for meeting requirements, security standards, pre-built connectors, big data processing, and flow designer.

On average, Digibee also had a faster return on investment (ROI) at 16 months compared to 19 months, with 40% of reviewers seeing ROI within 7-12 months. But don’t just take our word for it, take a look at these comparisons from G2.

Comparison chart of ratings from Digibee and MuleSoft customers on G2, Summer 2024.

Digibee reviews sourced by G2

See all our reviews on G2

Looking to simplify your integrations? Let’s talk.

Schedule a meeting with our integration experts to discuss your unique business needs and challenges and how Digibee can help.

Digibee: Breaking the API Monolith

Ah, APIs. They are the invisible threads weaving together the fabric of our tech lives. Yet, building them consumes a third of our coding time and, according to this report from Postman, 61% of the time, they’re only used for internal purposes. Can we afford the time, talent, and effort required to build monolithic APIs?

The short answer is often, no.

Digibee: The Highest Rated iPaaS on G2

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, the true measure of a product’s success lies in the experiences of its users. Digibee, a leader in the integration platform as a service (iPaaS) category, has earned the highest ratings from its customers over the past 2 years, with reviews highlighting its ease of use, efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.