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Digibee Employee Highlight Series: Paty Ribeiro da Silva, Product Manager

As Women’s History Month draws to a close, we are happy to serve up the story of another incredible woman on the Digibee team! A former volley-baller, cellist, and teacher – and an avid reader, devoted techie, and the epitome of a team-player – it’s our multilingual product manager, Paty Ribeiro da Silva! I had a truly enjoyable conversation about her journey to Digibee and the work that continues to inspire her every day.Paty-Silva-Uraguay

What is ESB and is it already obsolete?

An Enterprise Service Bus, otherwise known as an ESB, is a type of IT architecture that allows multiple applications to communicate through a hub or bus-like infrastructure. What is Enterprise Service Bus and what does ESB mean for your IT integration? An ESB integration basically establishes principles and rules that guide the communication capabilities of different applications. digital-transformation-future-technology

Customer Experiences: Putting Your Technology Where Your Mouth Is

Delivering an exceptional, personalized customer experience (CX) requires more than a whizz-bang website and an intelligent chatbot (as engaging as these may be). The reality is that the customer experience is ongoing and forever. Yes, the biggest hurdle is converting an initial website or store visit into a sale, but the CX doesn’t end there. It’s really just beginning.

Cloud Migration: Why It’s More Important Than Ever and How to Get it Right

Cloud migration isn’t a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. Cloud-based services have become so ubiquitous that we use them multiple times a day without a second thought. But despite the universal nature of cloud computing, what is changing is its importance in the business world.

No longer a “nice to have,” embracing cloud has become vital to enterprises’ growth, success, and ability to compete, as digital natives – companies that have never existed anywhere but the cloud – emerge and leverage new technologies and business models to disrupt the status quo.

Even though most organizations already use cloud technologies in some form, it’s still crucial to weigh the benefits of cloud migration against the risks and challenges it poses to your operations.

How a Unified Retail Commerce Model is Reshaping the Industry, According to Gartner®

Successful retailers are resilient, able to respond to changes in the market with agility and poise. In recent years, the role of technology has proven to be the biggest differentiator, enabling retailers to easily accommodate the unexpected, while less prepared entities simply fade away.

But with new technology and business models comes new methods in how we measure business and performance outcomes. 

In a recent Gartner report, analysts examine this shift. The research emphasizes the role of strategic CIOs and other leaders in creating new, digital KPIs that measure and quantify progress, informing important decisions, and ensuring the success of the business. 

Digibee Employee Highlight Series: Cait Porte, Chief Marketing Officer

As we observe Women’s History Month, we are fortunate to share the story of an exceptional leader who’s been making history at Digibee for the past year. Her passion for innovation and technology is inspiring, and her leadership style is inclusive, supportive, and collaborative. Meet this bold, goal-oriented, analytical, strategically-minded, self-motivated, coach, Cait Porte, and read about her work as CMO at Digibee.


Integrate faster with Digibee’s Supportive 3-Step Customer Onboarding

Getting started with your enterprise integration is a daunting task; even the process of planning your enterprise integration is a daunting task. You know it’s a big job, you know there are complex use cases to map out and consider, and you know that whatever solution you choose must be able to expand and adapt as your company grows (even if you don’t know how your company will grow!). If your company already relies on software from companies that also offer integration tools, at first glance it may seem that staying within that software ecosystem is the simplest way to ensure a smooth customer onboarding plan, and–ultimately–a successful integration. 

On the surface that may seem to be true, and we recognize that most of these large software companies offer integration platforms with very robust functionality capable of meeting the most complex user needs, but there are several challenges that need to be considered at all areas of the integration lifecycle, from building, running, monitoring (…and billing!)
