Language: English

The Information Age of Retail: Data, Data Everywhere

Retailers are firmly on board the digital transformation train, reinventing how they do business to delight consumers with omnichannel and personalized experiences. Gone are monolithic technology stacks, replaced with agile and composable architecture models that support the success of the business today and into the future.

However, in the rush to digitize, many retailers overlook the unprecedented volumes of data these new (and existing) technologies generate. While plenty of thought is invested in optimizing the customer experience (CX), establishing how to manage the storage and analysis of so much data is often an afterthought.

Why Digital Transformation is Important and How to Make it Happen

Once dismissed as a meaningless buzzword among tech circles, digital transformation has become a high priority for organizations of all sizes, across all verticals. 

The importance of adapting often-siloed legacy systems to communicate with new technologies and tools became painfully clear amid pandemic shutdowns, and the new reality of hybrid work models and digital-first business has forced even those most resistant to change to acknowledge its value.

But what is digital transformation, really?

How to Reduce the Time and Cost of Your IT Integrations

Graphic of bar chart

Are your dreams of dollar signs turning into nightmares as you watch your cumbersome IT integration projects drag on for months (or what seems like years)?

You may have initially thought a traditional integration solution was the silver bullet that would solve all of your IT issues, but now you’re realizing that you may have missed the mark by partnering with a sole integration provider.

Digibee Employee Highlight Series: Tia Phillips, Chief People Officer

As we conclude Black History Month and step into Women’s History Month, we are fortunate to share the story of a remarkable Black woman and leader on our team, our Chief People Officer, Tia Phillips. Read about why she chose Digibee and the exciting work ahead for our People Team.

From my home in Massachusetts, to her home on the other side of the US in California, I got to have a truly enjoyable conversation with this perpetual optimist, Star Trek enthusiast, nature-lover, inspiring leader, diversity champion, and dedicated lacrosse mom. (And, those are just some of the ways to describe our infinitely cool CPO!)

Pro-Code Versus Low-Code: What’s the Best Solution for Your IT Integration?

Are your professional developers spending all of their time writing tedious code for in-house IT integrations? Or maybe they are spending hundreds of hours on training and certification for traditional enterprise integration platform-as-a-service (enterprise iPaaS) solutions, when they could be spending their costly time on more valuable pursuits for the company.

As you contemplate your enterprise integration strategy, you need to consider all of the factors involved. These can include the technical abilities of your current staff, your available resources, the project’s total economic impact and return on investment (platform ROI), and how much time you can dedicate to the IT integration project – at each stage of the ‘build, run, monitor’ process. In developing your integration strategy, one of the first steps is determining what type of IT integration solution is best for your business.

What is a Legacy System and Why is Everyone So Worried About Them?

Are legacy systems really the end of the world? For many companies, they are business-critical technologies that keep operations humming and revenue flowing. But for all the bad press they get, you might think they’re set to be the downfall of business as we know it. 

Are they? Not necessarily. Can they be? Absolutely.

But to fully understand what legacy systems are and why everyone is so concerned about them, we’ll have to dig a little deeper. This post will look at what a legacy system is, provide some examples, and examine the value, risks, and challenges associated with them.

Before we can discuss the risks and challenges associated with a legacy system, we have to establish what we’re talking about. It’s surprisingly difficult to find a widely accepted definition of legacy systems – which can make it challenging to determine if it’s an issue at your organization. 
