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2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report for Retail

An examination of the findings of the 2023 SEI report through a retail industry lens.

About the report

Digibee surveyed over 1,000 enterprise IT professionals in the first quarter of 2023 to provide insights into integration patterns, challenges, and opportunities in our annual State of Enterprise Integration report.

Retail Integration efforts are leading the industry curve. The report aims to help enterprises understand how you stack up against other industries when it comes to integration – and where you stand compared to your peers.

Key highlights from the report

Ecommerce data management and omnichannel strategy are advancing rapidly in retail. Integration is becoming the industry standard, big data in retail continues to prove vital for growth, and connectivity between ecommerce and physical storefront systems is mission-critical. Retailers who fail to evolve in these trends are falling further behind.

The data speaks for itself. The report illuminates retail industry trends and challenges, including:

  • 99% of retailers still face unnecessary maintenance cycles on their integrations each year
  • Security and complexity are top challenges for retailers
  • 75% of retailers need integration to address up to 60% of their IT backlog and ecommerce migration needs

Assess your organization’s state of integration

Download your copy of the report and benchmark your performance against industry peers.

2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report for Financial Services

An examination of the findings of the 2023 SEI report through a finance industry lens.

About the report

Digibee surveyed over 1,000 enterprise IT professionals in the first quarter of 2023 to provide insights into integration patterns, challenges, and opportunities in our annual State of Enterprise Integration report.

Modernizing financial technology solutions is a necessity for an industry long dependent on legacy systems. Data privacy, fragmented systems, security and compliance – there is no shortage of challenges for this industry. Without a truly connected environment, financial organizations are unable to innovate, curtailing their efforts to digitally transform the business and—most importantly, the experiences they deliver to their customers. This report aims to help financial organizations understand how successfully connected operations leads to innovation and improved experiences.  

Key highlights from the financial services report

The 2023 State of Enterprise Integration for Finance offers some unexpected revelations about the industry’s progress:

  • 79% say they experienced more downtime than expected during integration
  • Dependence on legacy systems and a lack of skills is holding many financial organizations back
  • 74% report needing integration to address as much as 60% of their IT backlog and ecommerce migration needs
  • 71% of IT execs are adopting, supplementing, or replacing their enterprise integration solutions in 2023

Efficient and effective data management in financial services is vital to success. But integrating new solutions with aging architecture is a challenge – and those unable to evolve are falling further and further behind. 

Assess your organization’s state of integration

Download your copy of the report to get industry-specific insights and expert analysis on current integration goals, challenges, and opportunities.

Ease Retail Supply Chain Uncertainty Through Better Integration

A quick guide for retail businesses looking to take back control to mitigate supply chain and operations risks.

Key highlights from this guide:

Digibee’s integration platform helps retailers quickly transform their integration architecture by enabling seamless connectivity.

  • Speed up your time to market with our low code, cloud native infrastructure
  • Free up time and resources with a platform capable of simplifying complex integrations
  • Accelerate implementation with Digibee’s superior customer support team

Digibee can help you transform your supply chain into a resilient, digitally connected ecosystem. Integration enables real-time, end-to-end visibility, flexibility, and scalability that:

  • Manages inventory levels in real time
  • Handles variability 
  • Increases efficiency
  • Mitigates supply risks

Digibee in action – successful implementations for our customers

Global food retailer with 12,000+ stores

  • Implemented a modern, efficient, and cost-effective WMS solution and avoided a large technology restructuring project by choosing Digibee.

Restaurant food-chain supplier with 70 facilities in 18 countries

  • Implemented a new service and delivery model in less than two weeks amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

International parcel delivery service

  • Integrated ERP with warehouse systems, resulting in real-time inventory control, while monitoring all data flow for orders, process automation, and visibility.

Supermarket chain with 50+ stores

  • Integrated its systems with eCommerce fulfillment companies in multiple marketplaces around the globe, facilitating faster onboarding of new partners and expedited data validation to speed up package deliveries.

2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report for Manufacturing

An examination of the findings of the 2023 SEI report through a manufacturing industry lens.

About the report

Digibee surveyed over 1,000 enterprise IT professionals in the first quarter of 2023 to provide insights into integration patterns, challenges, and opportunities in our annual State of Enterprise Integration report.

The manufacturing industry is rapidly transforming and the pressure to catch up and keep up is growing. This report aims to help manufacturers understand how connected operations leads to leveraging innovation to its true potential.

Key highlights from the manufacturing report

The demand for automation and increased security of systems are fueling integration efforts for manufacturing organizations. Manufacturers trapped between what they already have and what they need to have are looking to digitally transform and integrate manufacturing systems to maintain a competitive edge, but challenges persist:

  • More than half of respondents reported having to rebuild 6 to 10 integrations annually
  • Security and dependence on legacy manufacturing ERP systems remain top challenges
  • 74% report needing integration to address as much as 60% of their IT backlog

Improved manufacturing data management has become crucial to success, but integrating legacy systems with modern tools can be a daunting task. Companies that cannot evolve risk falling behind their competitors.

Assess your organization’s state of integration

Download your copy of the report to get industry-specific insights and expert analysis on current integration goals, challenges, and opportunities.