Category: AI

AI Pair-Programmer: conheça o assistente de desenvolvimento de integração baseado em Inteligência Artificial

Ai Pair-Programmer

O AI Pair-Programmer é uma funcionalidade da plataforma de integração Digibee, baseada em Inteligência Artificial, que atua como um desenvolvedor par de cada pessoa de uma equipe de TI, oferecendo sugestões proativas e também sob demanda para codificação e aprimoramento de workflows.

A Digibee sempre priorizou facilitar o desenvolvimento de integrações, focando em uma abordagem visual e low-code, com segurança e escalabilidade em ambientes híbridos e multi-cloud. Em linha com essa proposta, a Digibee apresenta o AI Pair-Programmer – um recurso que agrega uma Inteligência Artificial avançada para ajudar desenvolvedores em tempo real.

Pair-programming, ou programação em pares, já é um conceito antigo na comunidade de desenvolvedores. Ele consiste em dois desenvolvedores trabalhando juntos para otimizar a criação de códigos e reduzir falhas. No entanto, o custo de um programador extra, somado à dificuldade de manter a continuidade, dificulta a implementação desse modelo em larga escala. 

O AI Pair-Programmer transforma esse conceito em uma realidade acessível ao atuar como um par virtual para desenvolvedores, oferecendo suporte contínuo, melhorando a qualidade do código e reduzindo a complexidade do processo de desenvolvimento.

>> Agende uma demonstração personalizada com nossa equipe de especialistas e veja como o AI Pair-Programmer do iPaaS da Digibee trará eficiência ao seu negócio. 

O que é o AI Pair-Programmer?

O AI Pair-Programmer é uma funcionalidade do iPaaS da Digibee, atuando em todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento, desde o planejamento até a implementação. Ele foi projetado para aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade do código, fornecendo orientações, automação de tarefas e sugestões em tempo real para cada etapa do projeto.

Além disso, ele oferece dois tipos de suporte para otimizar a experiência dos desenvolvedores:

  • Assistência proativa: A IA antecipa os possíveis desafios e intervém automaticamente, oferecendo sugestões de melhores práticas e melhorias no código.
  • Assistência sob demanda: Os desenvolvedores podem acionar a IA por meio de um chat integrado sempre que precisarem de suporte adicional, seja para resolver erros, otimizar a performance ou validar decisões complexas.

Como funciona?

Integrado ao workflow do desenvolvedor, o AI Pair-Programmer oferece assistência contínua, adaptando-se de forma proativa e reativa conforme necessário. Aqui está um resumo das duas abordagens de interação da IA:

1. Assistência Proativa

Na assistência proativa, o AI Pair-Programmer intervém automaticamente em momentos-chave, antecipando e sugerindo melhorias. Alguns exemplos incluem:

  • Orientações e recomendações: antecipando-se aos problemas, a IA fornece recomendações de arquitetura, insights com melhores práticas e orienta sobre potenciais riscos, evitando erros antes que se tornem um problema.
  • Automação de tarefas: a IA automatiza rotinas repetitivas, sugerindo e autocompletando códigos e detectando de erros, reduzindo o trabalho manual e permitindo que o desenvolvedor foque em tarefas mais complexas.
  • Otimização em tempo real: durante o desenvolvimento, a IA sugere configurações otimizadas, padrões de design e melhorias de performance para simplificar workflows e obter melhores resultados.

Todas as ações proativas do AI Pair-Programmer contam com a anuência do desenvolvedor antes de serem aplicadas.

2. Assistência Sob Demanda

Na assistência sob demanda, o AI Pair-Programmer está sempre disponível para responder a solicitações específicas, por meio do chat. Alguns exemplos são:

  • Suporte imediato: quando solicitado, a IA ajuda com depuração, otimização de performance e testes, garantindo que o desenvolvedor não enfrente bloqueios.
  • Orientação baseada em conhecimento: ao enfrentar decisões complexas, o desenvolvedor pode contar com o conhecimento contextualizado da IA para tomar decisões bem informadas.
  • Resolução de problemas contextualizados: ao surgir um erro, o desenvolvedor pode pedir ao AI Pair-Programmer para um diagnóstico em tempo real, em que a IA se baseia em informações da plataforma e informações anteriormente compartilhadas pelo desenvolvedor, para prover uma resposta precisa. 
Assistência proativa e sob demanda do AI Pair Programmer

Principais benefícios do AI Pair-Programmer

O AI Pair-Programmer oferece uma série de vantagens que revolucionam o processo de desenvolvimento, focando em produtividade, qualidade do código e aprendizado contínuo.

1. Aumento da produtividade

A solução atua para manter o fluxo contínuo de trabalho e reduzir bloqueios durante o desenvolvimento. Entre os principais ganhos de produtividade estão:

  • Diminuição de bloqueios: a IA compartilha conhecimento e distribui responsabilidades, evitando atrasos.
  • Progresso contínuo: a monitoração constante permite que o progresso do desenvolvimento seja mantido, identificando e solucionando potenciais bloqueios rapidamente.
  • Redução da complexidade: a IA elimina a necessidade de habilidades altamente especializadas para tarefas complexas, ajudando os desenvolvedores a focarem no núcleo de seus projetos.

2. Melhoria na qualidade do código

A IA ajuda a garantir que o código seja desenvolvido com consistência e eficiência, minimizando erros e maximizando a estabilidade.

  • Redução de erros: a IA identifica erros em um estágio inicial, assegurando que o código final seja mais confiável e estável.
  • Aumento na consistência: ao aplicar as melhores práticas e padrões uniformemente, o AI Pair-Programmer promove um código de fácil manutenção, independente da equipe de desenvolvimento.

3. Compartilhamento de conhecimento

  • Trabalho em equipe de forma colaborativa: o AI Pair-Programmer  facilita o trabalho em equipe entre diversos desenvolvedores ao gerar documentação automática e detalhada, o que acelera o aprendizado dos novos membros da equipe.
  • Trabalho consistente de forma segura: a IA centraliza o conhecimento do projeto de forma segura, disponibilizando informações e decisões de desenvolvimento a todos os membros da equipe sem comprometer a privacidade de dados sensíveis. 

4. Resolução aprimorada de problemas

A IA oferece abordagens diversas para resolução de problemas, gerando soluções mais inovadoras e abrangentes.

  • Foco em padrões de integração: Diferentes perspectivas trazidas pela IA resultam em soluções robustas e criativas, com foco em aplicar as melhores práticas no desenvolvimento de integração de sistemas.
  • Feedback Imediato: Com um ciclo de feedback em tempo real, os desenvolvedores conseguem corrigir erros e melhorar continuamente o desenvolvimento.

>> Leia também: Arquitetos e desenvolvedores de integração: o que a IA tem feito por você ultimamente?

Funcionalidades e capacidades do AI Pair-Programmer

O AI Pair-Programmer está integrado ao iPaaS da Digibee para garantir uma assistência abrangente e contextualizada a cada etapa do processo de desenvolvimento. Embora a assistência sob demanda esteja sempre disponível, a assistência proativa está entrelaçada em toda a plataforma para assegurar que os desenvolvedores recebam orientação precisa e oportuna, promovendo um ambiente mais colaborativo e eficiente.

Para conhecer a fundo as capacidades de IA oferecidas, recomendamos a leitura da documentação detalhada do AI Pair-Programmer na Digibee Integration Platform. Lá, você encontrará informações sobre a integração com ferramentas, workflows e melhores práticas para maximizar os benefícios dessa funcionalidade.

Ele substitui desenvolvedores?

O AI Pair-Programmer foi criado para potencializar a capacidade dos desenvolvedores, sem substituir o trabalho humano. Como uma inteligência especializada em integração de sistemas, ele oferece suporte técnico, automatiza tarefas repetitivas e complexas e ajuda a transformar a lógica de negócio em integrações avançadas.

Dessa forma, mesmo desenvolvedores sem especialização em integração podem realizar integrações robustas e alinhadas aos objetivos estratégicos. Isso permite que os desenvolvedores concentrem seu tempo em atividades estratégicas e de alto valor, enquanto a IA dá o suporte necessário para acelerar o desenvolvimento de integrações. 

Experimente o AI Pair-Programmer da Digibee

Com o AI Pair-Programmer, a Digibee Integration Platform oferece um suporte poderoso e contínuo, transformando a maneira como o desenvolvimento de integrações é feito.

Se sua equipe busca velocidade e consistência no desenvolvimento de integrações, vale a pena experimentar o AI Pair-Programmer, uma funcionalidade que vai além da automação e redefine o conceito de Pair-programming, viabilizando um futuro mais colaborativo e produtivo para equipes de TI.

>> Agende uma demonstração personalizada com nossa equipe de especialistas e veja como o AI Pair-Programmer do iPaaS da Digibee trará eficiência ao seu negócio. 


Digibee lança nova versão da sua plataforma de integração baseada em IA e precificação por consumo

Digibee Quantum Release

Em um mercado projetado para crescer a uma taxa anual de 13,8% até 2030, a Digibee, plataforma líder de integração de sistemas na América Latina, está rompendo barreiras com a release Quantum. A nova versão da plataforma utiliza Inteligência Artificial para acelerar a construção de integrações, redefinindo o modelo econômico de como as organizações pensam a relação custo-benefício e eficiência.

Essa mudança de paradigma será possível através de um ganho excepcional de produtividade, projetada para gerar mais de 70% de redução no time-to-value dos projetos, aliado a um modelo comercial flexível e baseado em consumo.

Revolução na Economia da Integração

Segundo o Gartner, metade do orçamento e do tempo nos projetos de inovação é consumida pelo trabalho de integração de sistemas. E as empresas enfrentam um dilema: focar no curto prazo criando os próprios códigos ou investir em uma iPaaS tradicional esperando agilidade no futuro?

Integrações com código parecem mais fáceis no início, pois cortam custos com licenças e usam os times internos de TI, mas geram problemas de manutenção e evolução no longo prazo.

Por outro lado, iPaaS tradicionais prometem o ROI e a agilidade no futuro, mas pede gastos enormes e inflexíveis já na largada. Com a Quantum, a Digibee elimina essa barreira de adoção, tornando as integrações acessíveis para empresas de todos os tamanhos, desde startups a grandes corporações.

“Este lançamento inaugura um novo modelo econômico que reduz o atrito na adoção, incentiva o uso mais amplo e capacita empresas de todos os tamanhos a aproveitar plenamente os recursos de integração. Estamos integrando sistemas e transformando cada bit em um salto de inovação”, explica Paulo Veloso, Chief Revenue Officer da Digibee.

Inteligência Artificial proativa

Um dos destaques da Quantum é a feature AI pair-programmer e sua principal entrega é a construção de integrações de sistemas através de uma IA Generativa. A Digibee é a pioneira no mercado global ao oferecer essa funcionalidade em sua plataforma.

O AI pair-programmer traz sugestões proativas de próximos passos nos processos e gera automaticamente documentação para futuras evoluções da integração, permitindo que as empresas se concentrem nos ajustes finais e não na construção do pipeline, além de dispensar a necessidade de desenvolvedores especialistas em integrações.

“Escreva o que deseja integrar e a plataforma da Digibee, baseada em IA, constroi e documenta o pipeline, agindo como um verdadeiro copiloto”, acrescenta Veloso.

Redução da sobrecarga operacional

Outra característica da Quantum que promete revolucionar o mercado de integrações é a abordagem Zero-Operations, que reduz incidentes e elimina a sobrecarga operacional. Automatizando proteções críticas e usando ambientes dedicados, o desempenho consistente é garantido mesmo durante picos de demanda.

Essa inovação, somada a um conjunto de soluções gerenciadas (API gateway, mensageria, cofre de senhas, e monitoração), liberam as equipes das atividades operacionais. O resultado: times podem dedicar-se exclusivamente à criação de integrações inovadoras e estratégicas para o negócio. 

“A Quantum marca uma mudança significativa no mercado de integração. Nosso foco está em atender às necessidades das empresas em nível global, que buscam não apenas redução de custos, mas também agilidade no time to market para projetos de inovação. Em média, atingimos 75% de aumento de produtividade para nossos clientes e a Quantum atende essa demanda, oferecendo uma solução escalável, confiável e que impulsiona a inovação dentro das empresas”, conclui Rodrigo Bernardinelli, CEO da Digibee.

Escalando com a AWS

Além do lançamento da Quantum, a Digibee anuncia que agora faz parte do marketplace da AWS, ampliando seu alcance global. “Estamos felizes em incluir a Digibee no nosso portfólio, pois a sinergia entre ambas as empresas é enorme”, afirma Karina Lima, Head de Startups da AWS.

“Entendemos que uma nova onda de inovação está surgindo e que cada experiência e aplicação do cliente serão reinventadas utilizando inteligência artificial, o que nos inspira a ajudar startups locais a construir, lançar e dimensionar suas inovações de IA”, finaliza.

Digibee: iPaaS para todos

A Digibee é a criadora da plataforma de integração como serviço (iPaaS) projetada para transformar a economia da integração empresarial. Nossa missão é capacitar as organizações a construir, conectar e inovar com eficiência de custos e agilidade de negócios sem precedentes.

Fundada em São Paulo em 2017, a Digibee emergiu rapidamente como líder em integração, ajudando empresas a acelerarem suas iniciativas de transformação digital. Com Inteligência Artificial líder do setor, uma arquitetura baseada em cloud e um modelo de preços baseado no consumo, a Digibee permite que as equipes de TI de mais de 250 clientes como Itaú, Porto Seguro Carrefour, Craft, Assaí, Marfrig e Gol, apliquem os melhores recursos de integração em todo o seu portfólio digital, gerando oportunidades de inovação para organizações de todos os tamanhos.

Digibee Revolutionizes Integration Economics with AI and Consumption-based Pricing

Digibee Quantum Release

Digibee, the innovator in enterprise integration solutions, today announced a generational release of our platform, codenamed Quantum, that transforms the economics of integration.

By combining AI-powered productivity gains with a new consumption-based pricing structure that adapts to the specific demands of different integration scenarios, the Quantum release not only boosts development speed and quality with AI but also optimizes license costs across diverse projects. 

“This new release unleashes a new economic model that reduces adoption friction, encourages broader usage, and empowers businesses of all sizes to fully leverage premium integration capabilities without the constraints of traditional models. We are integrating systems and transforming every bit in a leap of innovation”, says Paulo Veloso, Digibee’s Chief Revenue Officer.

The Integration Dilemma: Trading Heavy Up-Front Costs for Future Business Agility 

In today’s digital-first economy, organizations must rapidly and efficiently connect systems, data, and processes to deliver seamless experiences and create competitive differentiation.

However, to date, IT and application teams have faced an intractable economic dilemma: optimize for short-term speed and cost with custom-coded integration solutions, or invest heavily up front in a traditional integration platform as a service (iPaaS) in the hopes of achieving future business agility.

While custom-coded solutions may seem more pragmatic at first, with no incremental software licensing costs and leveraging existing developer resources, they often come with hidden expenses, longer development times, and significant operational challenges, eventually leading to lower business agility and higher overall costs.

On the other hand, traditional iPaaS platforms promise future ROI and higher business agility, but building out an iPaaS infrastructure today comes with its own significant challenges, including heavy up-front costs, inflexible pricing models, long implementation times, and requiring scarce specialized skills.

This economic dilemma has to date relegated iPaaS solutions to the realm of the “elite”: enterprises with the economic wherewithal to stomach high license costs and to invest heavily in specialized development resources.

Digibee’s Quantum Release: iPaaS for the Rest of Us

Digibee’s latest release introduces three major innovations that redefine the economics of integration, breaking the integration dilemma and making it the most cost-effective way to drive business agility through integration:

AI-Powered Pair Programmer

Digibee’s new proactive AI pair programmer significantly reduces the cost of integration development while boosting quality and speed. By proactively suggesting next steps, auto-generating documentation, and simulating workflows, the AI pair programmer helps development teams maintain high velocity and quality, regardless of their experience level.

This reduces reliance on specialized, expensive labor, making Digibee accessible to a broader range of use cases.

“Write what you want to integrate and Digibee’s AI-based platform builds and documents the workflow, acting as a true co-pilot”, adds Paulo Veloso.

Flexible Consumption-Based Pricing Model

Digibee’s new pricing structure eliminates the barrier of high up-front licensing and aligns costs with the business value of the integration application, ensuring that customers only pay for what they use. This approach eliminates unnecessary expenses associated with traditional pricing models and dramatically reduces total cost of ownership.

It’s particularly beneficial for low-frequency use cases and integrations with variable traffic patterns, previously constrained by always-on pricing models or manual scaling. This flexibility unleashes countless new opportunities for innovation while eliminating the risks associated with inaccurate capacity planning.


Digibee’s revolutionary approach dramatically reduces integration incidents and operational overhead. It combines serverless architecture with automated scalability and critical safeguards, ensuring consistent performance even during demand spikes.

This innovation, plus a comprehensive managed toolkit (API gateway, message broker, secret vault, and monitoring), frees IT teams from operational burdens. The result: teams can focus solely on creating innovative integrations and driving business value.

“With the Quantum release, we aim to eliminate the economic tradeoffs associated with traditional integration solutions,” said Rodrigo Bernardinelli, CEO of Digibee.

By combining AI-driven developer productivity gains with a new consumption-based licensing model and zero-operations execution, we are dramatically lowering the cost barriers of integration and unleashing new innovation opportunities for organizations of all sizes. It’s high time for someone to provide iPaaS ‘for the rest of us,’ and Digibee is delivering on this promise.

>> Get a personalized demo from our team of experts and let us walk you through how the Quantum Release will benefit your business. 

About Digibee

Digibee is the creator of the next-generation Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), designed to transform the economics of enterprise integration. Our mission is to empower organizations to build, connect, and innovate with unprecedented cost-efficiency and business agility.

Founded in São Paulo, Brazil in 2017, Digibee has quickly emerged as a leader in integration, helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. With industry-leading AI capabilities, along with a cloud-native architecture and a modern consumption-based pricing model, Digibee enables IT teams to apply enterprise-class integration capabilities across their entire digital portfolio, unleashing innovation opportunities for organizations of all sizes.

Digibee is the preferred iPaaS for 250+ customers, including Accenture, B3, Carrefour, Itaú, Johnson Brothers, Payless, Santander and others.

What is SaaS Integration? Benefits, Challenges, and Approaches

In today’s digital landscape, the average enterprise utilizes a multitude of SaaS (Software as a Service) applications to manage various aspects of their operations. From customer relationship management (CRM) tools like Salesforce to project management platforms like Asana, SaaS tools have become indispensable.

However, with this growing reliance comes the need for seamless integration between these tools to ensure smooth data flow and optimized workflows. This is where SaaS integration comes into play.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Digibee: The Highest Rated iPaaS on G2

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, the true measure of a product’s success lies in the experiences of its users. Digibee, a leader in the integration platform as a service (iPaaS) category, has earned the highest ratings from its customers over the past 2 years, with reviews highlighting its ease of use, efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

Thanks to all the customers who have taken the time to share their honest viewpoints of their experience since fall 2023, Digibee is leading the iPaaS category for mid-market and enterprise markets, consistently through winter 2024 and spring 2024. Let’s delve into some of the feedback making Digibee the top choice for businesses worldwide.

Read Digibee reviews on G2

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

What Digibee costumers are saying on G2

Across diverse industries and use cases, Digibee users on G2 have shared their stories of streamlined integrations, accelerated projects, and enhanced team productivity. With feedback emphasizing the platform’s flexibility, cost transparency, and scalability, these reviews reveal how Digibee is not only solving complex integration challenges but also empowering teams to achieve more with less effort. Let’s take a look at what our customers value most about Digibee.

Accelerating projects with streamlined integrations

One of the design principles of Digibee’s platform has been to simplify complex API-driven architectures to streamline development workflows, cut operational costs, and accelerate deployment. A key enabler for this design principle is transforming code libraries into reusable “Capsules” that can be used and reused as needed across workflows, significantly reducing API lifecycle management.

One customer commented on their experience with API management and development and the guidance provided by our support team, “easy-to-build and deploy APIs. Digibee works well with various file types and applications. The support team is very good and has a lot of training material available.” [G2, Verified Customer Review]

Customers frequently praise our Capsules, and how they free up their teams to focus on strategy and innovation: “iPaaS with connectors for different platforms and technologies, friendly interface and less code. The possibility of creating integrations in a fast and structured way allowed us to think about ‘what should be done’ instead of ‘how to do it’.” [Washington S, G2, Verified Customer Review]

Customers consistently highlight the platform’s ease of use, quick learning curve for development teams, our excellent education program and resources, modern UX, and the efficiency it brings to their integration processes resulting in a reduced time to market. 

G2, Verified Customer Review

“The integration capacity provided by the platform is impressive and has really facilitated the connection between our various applications, services and systems within the company…Easily integrates our systems, and has a very good [short] learning curve with our developers, taking much less time to train them and thus generating value quickly.” [Lucas S., G2, Verified Customer Review]

Another customer appropriately summarized the reason they are doubling down on their commitment. “Digibee has powerful features to integrate various systems and technologies. This is very useful because its customers can quickly develop their integration solutions. Our development team doesn’t have to worry about the technological aspects, its focus is only on the business problem that will be solved because the Digibee Platform provides all the technical components that we need.” [Gabriel V., G2, Verified Customer Review]

Advancing Project Delivery with AI

Digibee’s advanced tools and infrastructure are designed to maximize efficiency and minimize routine tasks. The platform’s AI-enhanced capabilities streamline workflow creation, making it a favorite among users who need to accelerate project delivery.

One of our users commented on the ease of development through connectors for a team with limited resources, “a small team can quickly implement new integrations and improvements. The platform offers a wide variety of connectors that meet all the needs of integration projects, avoiding the need for custom code.” [Vitor M., G2, Verified Customer Review]

Another customer commented that what they liked best about Digibee’s product was the agility in development, the quick turnaround for implementation, and the fast processing time for integrations, reducing deployment time by a staggering 90%, “we were able to reduce in terms of processing one of the largest integrations more than 90% of the time.” [Alexandre J., G2, Verified Customer Review]

Enhancing Reliability and Scalability

Customers value Digibee’s Zero-Operations capability, which allows them to manage workflows effortlessly, boosting reliability and scalability. This feature enables businesses to focus on innovation rather than infrastructure management. As this customer said, “Digibee offers a scalable and maintainable integration solution for projects…(I like best the) architecture development with integrated UI and methods to perform tests quickly. User management panel and pipeline performance visualization interface” [Murilo N., G2, Verified Customer Review]

G2, Verified Customer Review

One customer mentioned, “before using Digibee, I had problems monitoring and controlling all my APIs, their environments, and their performance. Now I have complete control over all aspects of my integration pipelines with alerts and dashboards to view the entire health of my environment, so I spend less time and resources doing this.” [G2, Verified Customer Review]

The flexibility of the platform has also been a standout for many customers to ensure agile and efficient integrations. This customer had an extremely aggressive timeline for their integration project and was able to meet deadlines with our scalable solution. The customer noted, “the platform deserves to be highlighted for its flexibility, meeting the many different integration needs…the ‘low code’ approach, which not only simplifies but also greatly speeds up the development process. Furthermore, the partnership between Digibee professionals is exceptional, offering agile and efficient support to ensure continued success.” [Denis G., G2, Verified Customer Review]

Cost-Effective Integrations

Digibee’s pricing model is another area customers have highlighted. By ensuring they only pay for the resources they actually use, Digibee offers a cost-effective solution that aligns with their business needs. “Businesses benefit from cost savings and improved scalability, as Digibee allows easy integration of new applications and systems. Overall, Digibee provides a solution that optimizes workflows and empowers organizations to be more agile and data-driven.”  [Renato C., G2 Verified Customer Review]

Carlos Renato S.., G2 Verified Customer Review

Cost effectiveness also comes through allowing the engineers to focus on the essentials of the business logic vs. boilerplate. Customers talked about Digibee enabling them to concentrate on their core logic to solve business problems, while securely and confidently leveraging the comprehensive support provided by the platform’s tools.

“Integrations are faster to develop in Digibee. The support is far superior.  Digibee is our main integration tool, it reduces our development time and builds better faster integrations. We are using it to build reusable microservices and applications to move and transform data.” [Alec I., G2 Verified Customer Review]

Powerful Partnerships and Support

The relationship between Digibee and its customers goes beyond just providing a service. Users appreciate the consistent support and dedication from the Digibee team, which adds immense value to their overall experience. 

Matheus R., G2, Verified Customer Review

“Digibee provides excellent support service. The main positive point of Digibee is undoubtedly the quality and speed of support. Whenever necessary, we can call an attendant in the chat and clarify any doubts.” [Pedro C., G2, Verified Customer Review]

Join our ranks of satisfied customers and optimize your integration strategy with Digibee

The highest ratings and glowing reviews from our customers are the ultimate testament to Digibee’s effectiveness and reliability. With features designed to simplify integration, accelerate delivery, cut costs, and eliminate waste, Digibee stands out as the ideal choice for businesses aiming to optimize their integration strategies. As a leader in the iPaaS category for mid-market and enterprise markets since fall 2023, Digibee continues to set the standard in the industry.

Experience the Digibee difference today and join the ranks of our satisfied customers. For more information, talk to our integration experts about your specific use case and business needs and discover how our platform can transform your integration processes.

Redefining Integration: Digibee’s Visionary Solution to the iPaaS Dilemma

In the world of integration, companies face a common dilemma. Choose a powerful but complex and costly enterprise iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) with a slow payoff, or opt for an automation vendor that promises quick results but struggles under the weight of complexity.

This has been the landscape: a choice between two imperfect options.

Enterprise iPaaS vs. Automation Solutions

Enterprise iPaaS solutions, while robust, come with significant downsides. They’re complex, demanding lengthy and expensive deployments that can stretch over months before yielding results. This complexity often necessitates hiring outside consultants, a luxury only the largest corporations can afford. Furthermore, these platforms tend to lock you in. The deeper you invest, the harder it becomes to leave, trapping you in a cycle of sunk costs.

Automation vendors, positioned at the other end of the spectrum, offer a tempting alternative with their quick deployment and reasonable initial costs. However, this advantage is fleeting. As the need for customization grows, so do the costs and complications, eroding any early gains and pushing you back towards the high-cost, high-complexity scenario you hoped to avoid.

Digibee pays close attention to these industry pain points and has built a solution that addresses them head-on, positioning itself in a unique spot within the iPaaS quadrant.

Graphic of iPaaS landscape

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Digibee’s Approach: The Best of Both Worlds

Digibee introduces a fresh perspective, offering a platform that combines the robustness of enterprise solutions with the agility and cost-effectiveness of automation tools. Here’s how:

Integration without the wait: Digibee accelerates integration through reusable building blocks (called capsules), and built-in automation for tasks that would otherwise slow you down. This combination delivers quick and efficient setup without sacrificing depth or flexibility. With Digibee, the integration design is in your hands, and the heavy lifting is taken care of by the platform. Need more computing capacity, an event queue, parallel processing, or a load balancer? The platform intelligently manages these for you. This drastically cuts down on the time and effort traditionally required, making integrations faster and more seamless.

AI-powered efficiency: The platform leverages AI to automate the generation and updating of documentation as integrations are built or modified. This ensures that documentation keeps pace with development, reducing manual overhead.

Empowering developers: Digibee’s use of JSON makes the platform accessible to a broad range of developers, eliminating the need for specialized knowledge or external consultants. This democratizes the integration process, enabling in-house teams to tackle complex projects with confidence.

Transparent and predictable pricing: Adopting a cloud-native architecture, Digibee ensures that costs are tied directly to usage, with pricing that scales according to your needs. This model offers freedom from the constraints of per-endpoint fees or data throughput limits, providing clarity and control over your integration expenses.

Flexibility and freedom: With Digibee, companies are not locked into their platform choice. The ease of transferring JSON transformations means that switching to another platform, if needed, is straightforward, mitigating the risk of vendor lock-in.

Why Digibee’s Approach Matters

The iPaaS market has long presented businesses with a difficult choice: capability versus cost-effectiveness, scalability versus speed. With Digibee, this era of compromise has come to an end. It’s not merely about connecting systems; it’s about unlocking possibilities, streamlining complexity, and prioritizing your needs and concerns at every turn. 

Digibee’s solution speaks directly to the core needs of companies navigating the complex iPaaS landscape. It offers a way to engage with integration that is both deep and flexible, without the traditional trade-offs of cost, complexity, or speed.

By addressing these critical pain points, Digibee offers a platform where companies can confidently build and scale their integrations, backed by the support and flexibility needed to adapt to the ever-changing digital environment. 

See Digibee’s Approach in Action

Get a personalized demo from our team of experts and let us walk you through how Digibee’s iPaaS solution meets the market where it is, providing the tools and approaches that businesses have been seeking in the iPaaS space.

2024 Digibee Preview: The developer’s choice for enterprise integrations

In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, trends come and go. From the Y2K frenzy to the buzzword bonanza of big data, cloud computing and microservices, tech vendors often find themselves riding the same bandwagon, whether the solutions truly warrant the enthusiasm or not. Today, the wave we’re all surfing is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seems like everyone has an AI marketing message, but how many are releasing features that genuinely deliver real value?

In this blog post, I’m going to share a preview of innovations we’re adding to the Digibee Integration Platform in 2024 – and connect the dots on how they support our commitment to empower all developers to build integrations that enable faster, better development cycles. 

As you plan your development projects for 2024, I encourage you to read this blog while imagining how Digibee can empower you to meet and exceed your development timelines and objectives – and to unburden your development team to build and innovate.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Digibee: The developer’s choice for integration

For starters, let’s talk about what we mean when we say Digibee is the developer’s choice for integration. 

Before Digibee, sophisticated integration use cases were the domain of a handful of legacy iPaaS solutions. These integrations require the work of specialized integration developers to build and maintain. In most organizations, this specialization creates a bottleneck and a backlog of development projects – as developers wait for integration work to be completed. 

But there is a world of work that currently happens outside of the iPaaS platforms. Estimates show that a full two thirds of integrations are point to point, being completed by custom coding. So, these complex integrations aren’t being done by integration developers via iPaaS platforms or other integration tools. This coding time and effort should be avoidable, and it forces developers to do work that lacks both scale and governance.

Being the developer’s choice means delivering a platform for all developers to replace mundane coding and work that needs to be repeated. It means any developer can build sophisticated, enterprise use case integrations. It means all integrations can be built via a true iPaaS, leaving behind the hassles that come with writing, documenting and maintaining custom code.

AI and integration: for real results

As I mentioned above, there is no shortage of noise in the market about AI and its applications for the enterprise. I’m not being dismissive, there are some really interesting uses of AI and machine learning in play now – and many are being developed across a host of industries. My goal in this blog post is to be very specific on Digibee’s mission in this area and what it means for our customers.

Let me say first that Digibee has always been about abstracting away mundane tasks so developers can focus their time and effort on innovating and building, not integration-related coding. As the only enterprise-grade integration platform born in the cloud, Digibee’s containerized architecture means change management, scale, and reuse are core capabilities of the Digibee Integration Platform. That’s in our DNA, AI enablement or not.

Our product team is using AI to bolster this core mission of developer empowerment. You may have seen in June we introduced the Digibee AI assistant – a new capability in our customer training portal: the Digibee Academy 2.0. The technology is unique and AI-driven and tailored to answer questions in real-time from customers seeking information.

More recently, we introduced AI-based generator for documentation, as described in this KM World article:

“Despite its significance, creating detailed, clear integration documentation is rarely a simple, quick task. The manual documentation process is often wrought with inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and communication gaps that become more detrimental than originally intended, according to the vendor.

Digibee’s AI Generator for Pipeline Documentation is engineered to revolutionize this experience, reducing the time and effort spent on the manual production and management of pipeline documentation. This capability aims to deliver greater comprehension and clarity in the understanding of integration processes—for both technical and business users alike—through holistic pipeline analysis.”

This is the perfect example of how we’re using AI – to intelligently automate tasks that are both mundane and at risk of costly human error. 

The releases being planned between now and mid-2024 carry on this same theme, including a truly differentiated debugging experience, a first of its kind tool to migrate integrations onto Digibee from legacy integration platforms, and a pipeline generator.

In terms of empowering development teams to focus on development and not integration, these AI-led enhancements are turbo charging our already powerful engine. The future is bright for our customers.

Next steps with Digibee

I highly encourage leaders of development and architecture teams to schedule a demo with Digibee and let us share our capabilities. We find more and more that our new customers are those running one of the legacy iPaaS platforms, seeking a way to burn down the backlog of development projects that complicated integrations are holding up. Tell us your plans and we’ll show how we can help!