Category: Enterprise Integration Solutions

Digibee’s Top 3 Tech Predictions for 2023

I recently moderated a discussion with three of my colleagues, Co-founder and CEO Rodrigo Bernardinelli; Peter Kreslins, Co-founder and CTO; and Tam Ayers, Field CTO, North America. It was a fascinating session where we shrugged off the constraints of today to explore what we believe we’ll experience in 2023. Since we tend to focus on our customers, it’s easy to forget that Digibee is an enterprise too. So the future IT industry trends we predict in 2023 are ones we will share with all enterprises. Read on!

5 Data Integration Techniques for Enterprise Organizations

Everything is connected. The past three years have only served to demonstrate just how accurate that statement is. The changes businesses rushed to implement amid pandemic restrictions did not evaporate as life returned to normal, and the effects of crises here at home and around the world serve as a continual reminder of just how connected we all are.

How to Define Top Priorities for Integration Strategies

What are the biggest priorities for your business? If you asked that same question of everyone in your organization – or even just those in the c-suite – would you get the same answer? Probably not. Going around the table, you might end up with multiple, often conflicting priorities from different areas of your organization. Getting everyone on the same page is hard enough with business-related issues, but when it comes to IT integration, conflicting priorities often delay business-critical integrations, or sideline projects altogether.

Why the Advantages of Enterprise Application Integration Should Matter to CMOs

A business’s need to build and maintain customer relationships far predates the cloud or the internet. It even predates the Rolodex or the phone. Harnessing the power of sales and marketing in a business is nothing new, yet in that role one must always be future-facing; strategizing to adapt to new tools to keep the customer happy and the business on track.

Growing Pains: 3 Key Enterprise Integration Challenges You May Be Facing

Maturity comes with age and experience. This adage is as true for a business as it is for an individual. Anyone can look back to an instance where they were learning a new skill and wish they could have known what they know now. Hopefully most of us can similarly think of something we DIDN’T do because we learned from someone else’s experience.

How Banks Can Leverage Enterprise iPaaS to Modernize Legacy Systems

Financial institutions are facing a uniquely challenging technological landscape. As their customers increasingly demand the personalized digital experiences they enjoy in other sectors, banks are left having to bridge the gaps between ease-of-access and security, speed and accuracy, competitive fees and vast, complex data systems.

Enterprise IT Architecture: The Importance of Simplifying Complex Systems

Years of technological evolution and innovation without consideration for simplified approaches have left many businesses dependent on an abundance of complex enterprise IT architecture. Legacy systems, siloed data, and patchwork solutions to pressing problems have reduced agility and hampered companies’ ability to rapidly respond to market changes.


3 Benefits of Digital Transformation in the Retail Industry

If there was any lingering doubt about the need for digital transformation in the retail industry, it was removed by the pandemic. Lockdowns and health concerns forced consumers to digitize their consumption habits, and the benefits of digital transformation in retail became painfully clear to brands still reliant on legacy architecture. Companies had to adapt quickly to survive.

SAP S/4HANA Transition: What’s the Rush?

It’s been two years since SAP announced it would sunset support for its on-premise ERP. There are five years until the current deadline. In business terms, five years seems like a comfortable window for change – in the technology world, five years is practically an eternity. With what seems like all the time in the world to migrate, is starting your SAP S/4HANA transition really that urgent?

The short answer: Yes.

The longer answer: Seriously, what are you waiting for? There are several reasons not to put off an SAP S/4HANA migration, no matter how daunting it may seem.