Category: IT

Finding the Future of Integration at Forrester Technology & Data Strategy in Austin TX

The Forrester Technology and Data Strategy event in Austin TX occurred earlier this month. Our team was especially pleased to attend and co-present with Alec Irwin, lead integration developer at Johnson Brothers, a prominent wine, beer, and spirits distributor in the US.

Digibee has partnered with Johnson Brothers on a significant enterprise integration implementation, helping the company transition from its on-premises solution (in place for six years) to Digibee’s born in the cloud iPaaS.

The work is particularly exciting in that we’ve achieved such impressive results. For example, modernizing six years of on-premises integrations to Digibee’s iPaaS in less than six months. Plus, the implementation was 70% faster versus upgrading to the new version of the legacy product.


5 (+1) Reasons to Choose Digibee Over a Traditional iPaaS

Integration has become an essential component for businesses to achieve their strategic goals. But, not all integration solutions are the same. Digibee’s innovative iPaaS solution offers essential benefits that traditional integration providers can’t match. Check out this infographic highlighting six ways leveraging Digibee’s platform can support your digital transformation strategy – saving you time, money, resources, and frustration.

If You’re Paying MuleSoft for Maintenance, Training & Support, You’re Paying Too Much

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For many companies, enterprise integration is an essential service. Relied upon to keep the business connected, the technology enables streamlined functionality across IT systems and processes. With a real-time, big picture view of the business, organizations respond with agility to changes in the market while optimizing efficiencies (and profitability).

But as with any enterprise solution, there is always a breaking point where the cost of a product outweighs its benefit to the business. For many MuleSoft customers, the ongoing investment simply to use the product is becoming untenable, siphoning IT budget and resources from higher value work. Let’s take a closer look. tired-and-frustrated-man-looking-at-financial-reports

Low-Code for Pro-Coders: One More Thing Your MuleSoft Deployment Doesn’t Deliver

Do your professional developers spend a lot of time writing tedious code to support your MuleSoft implementation? Are you frustrated to see precious bandwidth diverted for training and certification simply so your team can use the integration technology that’s meant to serve them?

Well, get in line. If your business relies on MuleSoft to support your integration strategy, it could be a long (and expensive) wait.


Digibee announces “IDC Innovator” status for integration and API management, tools and technologies

Digibee debuted in North America in early 2022, fresh off our series A raise ($25M). And although we hit the ground running, like any young tech company offering a new way to do an old thing, getting the market to notice was an uphill battle. 

Yes, there were low-code integration solutions already on the market, but Digibee introduced prepackaged, reusable capsules, providing unprecedented efficiencies in how companies integrate. 

Burn Your MuleSoft IT Backlog with Digibee

Integration continues to be top of mind for any organization that wants to remain competitive in a digital-first world. In fact, 71% of enterprises are actively planning to adopt, supplement, or replace their integration technology. But what happens when your integration solution is holding you back?

Many companies face ongoing challenges even after investing heavily in traditional iPaaS systems such as MuleSoft. And we’re not talking peanuts. For most enterprises it’s a significant investment, with integration spend estimated at $720 billion to $1.12 trillion globally in 2023.

Even after paying top dollar for MuleSoft, including for support and maintenance, the business must also pay to certify their developers, an ongoing investment required simply so you can continue using the software.


Your Guide to Understanding iPaaS: Integration Platform as a Service

Digital transformation and architecture modernization have become a top priority for organizations as the shift to omnichannel and digital-first strategies continues to accelerate. Integration plays a key role in this trend, and you’ve probably been bombarded with messaging on the importance of the right integration strategy. 

Point-to-point integration, APIs, ESBs, iPaaS – the options can be confusing and differentiating between them can be difficult. The proliferation of “as-a-service” business models means iPaaS at least sounds slightly familiar. But what is an iPaaS anyway?


Improving and Enabling Manufacturing Efficiency through Integration

The manufacturing sector has long been a leader in innovation. The industrial revolution over a century ago centered on the adoption of mechanical advances to produce items at speeds and volumes that would have been previously unimaginable. 

Henry Ford’s concept of the assembly line in the 1910’s, Toyota’s Kanban methodology introduced in the 1940’s and Kaizen in the 1980’s, and Motorola’s development of Six Sigma in the 1990’s are additional revolutionary principles established by manufacturing, then adopted by many other industries. 

In 2023, manufacturing challenges center upon computer integrated manufacturing and data proliferation. 

The Endless End of Life Cycle with MuleSoft

Sometimes it’s not easy being a MuleSoft customer. While we’ve never been there, plenty of our customers have. 

The licensing model is expensive, with support and maintenance also taking big bites from the bottom line. Training (or hiring) people to work with the technology is another kick in the pants, with special certifications and courses chewing up IT budgets and sidelining the only people able to make MuleSoft work. According to our annual survey, maintenance and training are top of the list for non-iPaaS integration budgets, eating up almost 40% of the spend. So we’re not talking peanuts.

The technology, back in its heyday, was pretty amazing, delivering integration capabilities for SaaS, on-premises software, legacy systems, and other platforms. But technology from the early 2000s is not sufficient for organizations that need meaningful change. Today, enterprise integration is an enabler of innovation and agility. If it’s constraining the business, then it’s not doing its job.


Creating a Seamless Customer Experience in Ecommerce Environments

There are countless articles on how to build a meaningful customer experience strategy, whether specifically in ecommerce or in any type of selling environment. And while we all strive to continuously, proactively add technologies and process improvements designed to enhance the experience of our customers, sometimes a cautionary tale – learning what not to do – can be particularly insightful.  

Everyone has been in the role of consumer, so it’s not a stretch to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What excites you? What entices you to buy? What prompts you to leave a 1-star review or quit on a sale before it’s final? Regardless of what’s being sold – from souvenir t-shirts to private jets – the desired experience is essentially the same. In this blog, we share a true narrative customer experience gone wrong, and tips on how to avoid this sort of scenario.
