Category: Legacy systems

Quais são as principais dores da integração de sistemas na indústria e como resolvê-las?

dores integracao industria

A transformação digital na indústria está cada vez mais espalhada em todas as áreas de negócio, e a integração de sistemas é uma das chaves para impulsionar essa revolução. A Indústria 4.0 exige uma troca constante de informações entre sistemas e dispositivos para otimizar a produção e reduzir custos. 

No entanto, muitas empresas ainda enfrentam grandes desafios ao integrar seus sistemas antigos com novas tecnologias.

A falta de uma integração eficiente pode resultar em falhas operacionais, baixa eficiência e aumento de custos. Soluções como o iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) podem ajudar a resolver esses problemas, oferecendo integração rápida e sem complicações.

Neste artigo, vamos explorar as principais dores que as empresas industriais enfrentam na integração de sistemas e como soluções como a Digibee podem ajudá-las a superar esses desafios.

>> Agende uma demonstração personalizada com nossa equipe de especialistas e veja como o iPaaS da Digibee trará eficiência à sua operação. 

A importância da integração de sistemas na indústria moderna

A integração de sistemas é o processo de conectar diferentes tecnologias para que elas funcionem juntas de maneira harmoniosa. Na indústria, isso envolve conectar sistemas de controle de produção, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), sistemas de logística (como WMS) e dispositivos de IoT (Internet of Things), entre outros.

Com a digitalização e a ascensão da Indústria 4.0, a integração de sistemas se tornou ainda mais crucial. A necessidade de ter sistemas que se comuniquem de maneira eficiente e em tempo real nunca foi tão grande. Para as empresas, isso significa melhor rastreamento de processos, maior visibilidade, aumento da produtividade e redução de erros humanos.

Os sistemas de TI não são mais compartimentos isolados e precisam se conectar a uma variedade de plataformas externas e dispositivos. Além disso, sistemas legados precisam ser integrados aos mais recentes avanços tecnológicos, como a automação de processos e o uso de dados para análises preditivas.

A integração eficaz de sistemas resulta em maior controle sobre a operação e permite que as empresas da indústria 4.0 se adaptem rapidamente às mudanças, melhorando a competitividade e reduzindo custos.

>> Acesse a página especial da Digibee sobre integração para indústrias

As principais dores da integração de sistemas na indústria

Embora a necessidade de integração seja clara, as empresas industriais frequentemente enfrentam dificuldades quando tentam integrar sistemas variados. A seguir, exploramos as principais dores enfrentadas pelas empresas ao integrar seus sistemas.

1. Sistema de controle de produção

O sistema de controle de produção é essencial para gerenciar as operações de fábrica. No entanto, integrar esses sistemas com outros (como ERP ou sistemas de logística) pode ser um desafio, especialmente quando há dependências de sistemas legados. 

A falta de visibilidade em tempo real dos dados de produção e a comunicação ineficaz entre diferentes sistemas podem prejudicar a eficiência e causar erros que impactam diretamente a produção.

2. Sistemas de engenharia

A engenharia e a produção estão frequentemente conectadas, mas os sistemas que gerenciam ambas as áreas não são facilmente compatíveis. As empresas enfrentam dificuldades ao integrar sistemas de engenharia com sistemas de controle de produção, resultando em dados desconexos e dificuldades para tomar decisões informadas. 

Isso pode prejudicar a capacidade de adaptar rapidamente os processos de produção às mudanças de demanda ou aos avanços tecnológicos.

3. Sistemas de logística e expedição (WMS)

A integração de sistemas de logística, como WMS (Warehouse Management System), com outros sistemas de TI e de produção, muitas vezes é um grande desafio. O fluxo de informações entre o estoque, a produção e a expedição precisa ser contínuo e preciso. 

Se esses sistemas não estiverem integrados adequadamente, problemas como excesso de estoque, atrasos e erros de expedição podem ocorrer, afetando a eficiência e os custos.

4. Integração com plataformas externas

Na indústria moderna, muitas empresas dependem de plataformas externas, como fornecedores, transportadoras e clientes, para garantir a entrega pontual e precisa de produtos. 

Integrar esses sistemas externos com os sistemas internos da empresa é uma tarefa complexa, especialmente quando se lida com APIs de diferentes fornecedores e sistemas legados. A falta de uma integração eficaz pode levar a falhas de comunicação, atrasos e aumento de custos operacionais.

Essas dores podem afetar diretamente a produtividade, a eficiência e a competitividade das empresas no mercado. A boa notícia é que existem soluções para resolvê-las, então continue lendo o post!

dores integracao industria

Como a Digibee resolve essas dores de integração

A Digibee é uma plataforma iPaaS que oferece uma maneira fácil e eficiente de integrar sistemas e plataformas diferentes. Com ela, as empresas podem superar as dores da integração de sistemas e otimizar sua operação industrial. 

Vamos explorar como a Digibee resolve os problemas mencionados.

1. Automação e integração rápida

A Digibee facilita a integração de sistemas legados com novos sistemas e tecnologias, permitindo que as empresas conectem suas soluções de TI sem a necessidade de processos manuais e demorados. 

A plataforma oferece automação rápida e integração sem complicações, permitindo que a indústria foque em suas operações, em vez de se preocupar com processos técnicos complexos.

Conte com funcionalidades como o AI Pair-Programmer, que atua como um desenvolvedor para cada pessoa de uma equipe de TI oferecendo sugestões proativas de integração, e como as Cápsulas, que são componentes reutilizáveis ​​validados que podem ser criados por qualquer usuário da plataforma.

2. Flexibilidade e escalabilidade

Com a Digibee, as empresas podem integrar uma ampla gama de sistemas, desde ERPs e WMS até dispositivos IoT e plataformas externas. A plataforma é altamente escalável, permitindo que as empresas cresçam sem se preocupar com limitações de integração. 

Ela suporta arquiteturas híbridas e multi-cloud, o que significa que a Digibee pode se adaptar às necessidades de qualquer empresa, independentemente da sua estrutura tecnológica.

Você pode, por exemplo, fazer uma migração para S/4HANA e acelerar a transformação digital com nossa integração SAP pré-construída.

3. Integração entre ERP, WMS e sistemas de engenharia

A Digibee permite que os sistemas de ERP, WMS e sistemas de engenharia se comuniquem de forma eficiente, eliminando as barreiras de integração. A plataforma oferece uma maneira simples de conectar esses sistemas, otimizando os fluxos de dados e melhorando a visibilidade em tempo real. 

Isso resulta em maior controle sobre as operações de produção, logística e expedição.

4. Redução de custos e aumento da eficiência

A integração ágil proporcionada pela Digibee não só reduz o tempo de implementação, mas também os custos associados à manutenção de sistemas desconectados. A plataforma ajuda a reduzir erros, melhorar a precisão e garantir que todos os dados necessários estejam disponíveis para tomada de decisões informadas. 

Isso se traduz em maior eficiência operacional, menor tempo de inatividade e redução de custos ao longo do tempo.

Benefícios adicionais da integração com a Digibee para a indústria

Além de resolver as dores de integração, a Digibee oferece uma série de benefícios adicionais para as empresas industriais. 

Alguns desses benefícios incluem:

  • Aumento da agilidade: A integração rápida e sem fricções permite que as empresas adaptem suas operações mais rapidamente, respondendo de forma eficiente às mudanças de mercado e demanda.
  • Visibilidade e controle de dados: A Digibee oferece uma visão centralizada e em tempo real das operações, o que melhora a tomada de decisões e o controle de processos.
  • Suporte e segurança: Com a Digibee, as empresas têm acesso a um suporte contínuo e a uma plataforma segura, garantindo que os dados permaneçam protegidos e que os sistemas operem sem interrupções.

Para ver por si mesmo a nossa plataforma em funcionamento, faça um tour virtual sem necessidade de deixar seu email ou contato.

Casos de Sucesso: como empresas do setor estão melhorando a integração

A Digibee tem ajudado diversas empresas a resolverem suas dores de integração e melhorarem suas operações. Exemplos incluem empresas da indústria de manufatura, logística e automação que passaram a integrar seus sistemas de maneira eficiente, reduzindo custos e melhorando a produtividade.

Essas empresas conseguiram otimizar suas operações, melhorar o controle da cadeia de suprimentos, e, finalmente, aumentar a eficiência operacional, ao conectar seus sistemas legados com soluções modernas por meio da Digibee.

Veja alguns cases de sucesso:

Conte com a Digibee para fazer a integração dos seus sistemas

As principais dores da integração de sistemas na indústria, como a falta de visibilidade, sistemas desconectados e processos manuais, podem ser superadas com o iPaaS da Digibee. Nossa plataforma oferece uma integração ágil e sem complicações, conectando sistemas de TI, ERP, WMS e dispositivos IoT para otimizar as operações industriais.

Com a Digibee, as empresas não apenas resolvem seus desafios de integração, mas também aumentam a eficiência, reduzem custos e ganham agilidade para responder às demandas do mercado. Se você está pronto para transformar a integração de sua operação industrial, experimente todos os benefícios que ela pode oferecer.

Solicite uma demonstração e descubra como a Digibee pode transformar sua integração de sistemas.

Transforming Workflows into Reusable Code Libraries: The Power of Capsules

The need to integrate multiple applications and services has become more urgent now than ever. As a result, many organizations have turned to APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) as a way to enable seamless communication between different systems. However, this approach, when applied to internal use cases, can lead to higher costs and limited flexibility.

Ultimate Guide to Business System Integrations

Graphic depicting different connected systems

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the need for seamless communication and data flow between various systems within an organization has become paramount. Gone are the days of siloed information and disjointed processes that hinder productivity and innovation. The solution? Business system integrations.

Before diving too deeply – it is important to understand the “before” state for organizations’ lacking system integration and the pain points they often bring. Lacking business integration commonly includes challenges such as fragmented data silos, inefficient workflows, manual data entry errors, and the inability to adapt to evolving business needs swiftly.

These pain points not only hamper operational efficiency, but also hinder strategic decision-making and impede overall growth.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the intricacies of business system integrations, from understanding pain points driving organizations to integrate different systems, the options for system integration, to exploring the key steps and considerations involved in the implementation process.

Key Points

  1. What is business systems integration?
  2. Types of business system integrations
  3. Benefits of integrating business systems
  4. Steps to follow before implementing
  5. Optimal features to consider when evaluating integration solutions

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

What is business systems integration?

At its core, business systems integration refers to the process of connecting disparate systems and applications within an organization to streamline and simplify data flowing from one place to another.

The ultimate goal is to create a cohesive ecosystem where data flows seamlessly between internal IT systems and third-party applications. This functionality ultimately fosters improved collaboration, efficiency, and decision-making capabilities.

Types of Systems

Business systems integration encompasses various types of systems, including but not limited to:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: These are comprehensive platforms managing core business processes such as finance, HR, inventory, and supply chain operations. Common examples include Oracle Netsuite and SAP S/4HANA.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems: Solutions like HubSpot and Salesforce help businesses manage interactions with current and potential customers.
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems: These platforms optimize the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers.
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) systems: Tools like Workday streamline HR processes such as payroll, recruitment, and employee management.

Role of APIs

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and connectors play a crucial role in facilitating seamless data exchange between these different systems. APIs allow systems to communicate with each other, enabling the transfer of information in a standardized data format, while connectors act as bridges between incompatible systems, ensuring smooth integration.

Types of business system integrations

While there are numerous integration models and methods – hub and spoke, point-to-point, star integration, and ESB – three primary types are to be considered:

  1. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): This approach focuses on integrating various applications within an organization using middleware platforms. Examples include Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), like Digibee, and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
  2. Data integration: Data integration involves consolidating and harmonizing data from disparate sources to provide a unified view. Solutions like Informatica and SnapLogic are popular choices in this category.
  3. Electronic document integration: This type of integration focuses on automating the electronic data interchange for documents such as invoices, purchase orders, and contracts between systems. Solutions like MuleSoft and Dell Boomi excel in electronic document integration.

Benefits of integrating business systems

The benefits of systems integrations are extensive and should be carefully considered for organizations looking to achieve interconnectivity for a variety of reasons:

Enhanced Data Accuracy:

By eliminating manual data entry and minimizing errors, integrations ensure that data remains accurate and consistent across systems.

Improved Efficiency:

Integrations streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks, boosting productivity and reducing turnaround times.


Integrated systems can easily scale to accommodate growing business needs, retire legacy systems, and keep pace with new technology requirements.

Reduced Operational Costs:

By streamlining processes and improving efficiency, integrations help organizations lower operational costs and optimize resource utilization.

Improved Customer Experience:

Seamless integrations enable organizations to deliver personalized and timely experiences to customers by providing businesses with a 360 customer view, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Risk Mitigation:

Integrations facilitate regulatory compliance by ensuring data integrity and security – thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

3 simple steps to take before implementing a business systems integration

Before embarking on a business systems integration journey or any integration project, organizations should undertake the following steps:

  1. Pull in relevant stakeholders: Engage stakeholders from across teams and external partners to define project goals, identify risks, and develop a comprehensive plan.
  2. Analyze current systems: Evaluate existing systems – legacy systems and modern – to understand their capabilities, limitations, and compatibility with potential integration solutions. Identify the integrations that would need mapping to understand what solution would provide the best compatibility.
  3. Consider scalability and future growth: Anticipate future business needs and scalability requirements to ensure that the chosen integration solution can adapt and grow alongside the organization. New technologies are constantly emerging. Ensure you choose an integration solution that easily integrates with modern solutions, staying innovative and maintaining future growth.

Key features to consider in evaluation

While organizations have the option to build integration solutions from scratch, there are plenty of vendors, like Digibee, that offer a best-in-class SaaS solution. When evaluating purchasing integration solutions, consider the following key features:

  • Complexity of implementation: Choose a solution that aligns with your organization’s technical expertise and implementation timelines.
  • Integration capabilities: Ensure that the solution supports seamless integration with a wide range of systems and applications.
  • Day-to-Day management: Evaluate the ease of managing and maintaining the integration solution, including monitoring, troubleshooting, and updating. You don’t want a solution that is more time-consuming than productive.
  • Support: Look for vendors that offer responsive support services to address any issues or concerns that may arise during implementation and beyond.
  • Data governance: Prioritize solutions that provide robust data governance features to ensure data integrity, security, and compliance.
  • Cost: Consider the total cost of ownership, including upfront licensing fees, implementation costs, ongoing maintenance, and support fees.

How Digibee can help

As organizations navigate the complexities of business systems integrations, partnering with a trusted integration platform provider like Digibee can streamline the process and drive success.

Product Overview

Digibee is a powerful iPasS that simplifies the integration of disparate business systems and applications. The most efficient, scalable way to facilitate integration projects is with an integration platform as a service, or iPaaS, such as Digibee.

An iPaaS is a platform developers use to build and manage integrations on scalable architecture—it replaces outdated integration options like ESB and includes features like reusable components, a low-code interface, managed infrastructure, prebuilt integrations, and enterprise support. 

Unlike some of its predecessors, Digibee’s iPaaS doesn’t require specialized training or a long implementation. On the contrary, it speeds up digital transformation projects by automating and simplifying the development workflows needed to connect legacy systems and cloud applications in one unified system. 

Digibee is different in that it is the only integration platform that scales application integration workflows while reducing cost, technical debt, and the burden on development teams. It allows developers to quickly build, test, deploy, govern, and monitor integrations across on-premises systems and cloud environments—they can then use the platform in tandem with API management and ETL tools for full synchronization across the organization.

Digibee is a born-in-the-cloud integration platform, that modernizes how enterprises connect applications, data, processes, and people. The integration platform includes:

Digibee in Action

Digibee has helped numerous organizations streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and drive innovation through integration across a multitude of industries including retail, manufacturing, and hospitality:

  • Helped a hotel chain reduce guest wait times by 80% and operating expenses by 300k annually
  • Integrated a new secure e-commerce platform for retailer Payless across more than 200 stores, in 15 countries, in less than 30 days
  • Enabled an ERP cloud migration for Bauducco – simplifying and modernizing existing legacy systems and integrations while saving $2 million on project costs

Take a Tour

In conclusion, business systems integrations offer a myriad of benefits, from improving efficiency and data accuracy to enhancing customer experiences and ensuring compliance. By following the key steps outlined in this guide and evaluating integration solutions with care, organizations can embark on a successful integration journey that drives growth, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Ready to revolutionize your business systems integration journey? Schedule a demo or, if you prefer, take a tour of Digibee’s platform to discover how it can help with system connectivity in your own organization.

Redefining Integration: Digibee’s Visionary Solution to the iPaaS Dilemma

In the world of integration, companies face a common dilemma. Choose a powerful but complex and costly enterprise iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) with a slow payoff, or opt for an automation vendor that promises quick results but struggles under the weight of complexity.

This has been the landscape: a choice between two imperfect options.

Enterprise iPaaS vs. Automation Solutions

Enterprise iPaaS solutions, while robust, come with significant downsides. They’re complex, demanding lengthy and expensive deployments that can stretch over months before yielding results. This complexity often necessitates hiring outside consultants, a luxury only the largest corporations can afford. Furthermore, these platforms tend to lock you in. The deeper you invest, the harder it becomes to leave, trapping you in a cycle of sunk costs.

Automation vendors, positioned at the other end of the spectrum, offer a tempting alternative with their quick deployment and reasonable initial costs. However, this advantage is fleeting. As the need for customization grows, so do the costs and complications, eroding any early gains and pushing you back towards the high-cost, high-complexity scenario you hoped to avoid.

Digibee pays close attention to these industry pain points and has built a solution that addresses them head-on, positioning itself in a unique spot within the iPaaS quadrant.

Graphic of iPaaS landscape

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Digibee’s Approach: The Best of Both Worlds

Digibee introduces a fresh perspective, offering a platform that combines the robustness of enterprise solutions with the agility and cost-effectiveness of automation tools. Here’s how:

Integration without the wait: Digibee accelerates integration through reusable building blocks (called capsules), and built-in automation for tasks that would otherwise slow you down. This combination delivers quick and efficient setup without sacrificing depth or flexibility. With Digibee, the integration design is in your hands, and the heavy lifting is taken care of by the platform. Need more computing capacity, an event queue, parallel processing, or a load balancer? The platform intelligently manages these for you. This drastically cuts down on the time and effort traditionally required, making integrations faster and more seamless.

AI-powered efficiency: The platform leverages AI to automate the generation and updating of documentation as integrations are built or modified. This ensures that documentation keeps pace with development, reducing manual overhead.

Empowering developers: Digibee’s use of JSON makes the platform accessible to a broad range of developers, eliminating the need for specialized knowledge or external consultants. This democratizes the integration process, enabling in-house teams to tackle complex projects with confidence.

Transparent and predictable pricing: Adopting a cloud-native architecture, Digibee ensures that costs are tied directly to usage, with pricing that scales according to your needs. This model offers freedom from the constraints of per-endpoint fees or data throughput limits, providing clarity and control over your integration expenses.

Flexibility and freedom: With Digibee, companies are not locked into their platform choice. The ease of transferring JSON transformations means that switching to another platform, if needed, is straightforward, mitigating the risk of vendor lock-in.

Why Digibee’s Approach Matters

The iPaaS market has long presented businesses with a difficult choice: capability versus cost-effectiveness, scalability versus speed. With Digibee, this era of compromise has come to an end. It’s not merely about connecting systems; it’s about unlocking possibilities, streamlining complexity, and prioritizing your needs and concerns at every turn. 

Digibee’s solution speaks directly to the core needs of companies navigating the complex iPaaS landscape. It offers a way to engage with integration that is both deep and flexible, without the traditional trade-offs of cost, complexity, or speed.

By addressing these critical pain points, Digibee offers a platform where companies can confidently build and scale their integrations, backed by the support and flexibility needed to adapt to the ever-changing digital environment. 

See Digibee’s Approach in Action

Get a personalized demo from our team of experts and let us walk you through how Digibee’s iPaaS solution meets the market where it is, providing the tools and approaches that businesses have been seeking in the iPaaS space.

Modern iPaaS: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Many legacy iPaaS users, like you, face common obstacles. These challenges range from end of support with their current provider, to the necessity of modernizing their architecture to support new technologies, to justifying increasing update and support costs. Additionally, while their overwhelmed team struggles to efficiently manage their integrations, their IT backlogs pile up.

How to Break Up with Your Legacy iPaaS

Concept image of breaking up with legacy vendors and choosing Digibee

Look, we get it, breakups are never easy. But how often in hindsight do we know we not only did the right thing, but actually, we should’ve done it sooner? That’s how Digibee customers feel once they finally decide to dump their Legacy iPaaS for Digibee’s serverless, modern platform.

Our customers have a myriad of reasons to leave: end of support of a legacy solution, deploying a new technology requiring modern architecture, over-extended IT teams managing integrations causing priority work to pile up, or the ever-increasing update and support costs that add little to no added value.

Whatever the reason, putting off the inevitable prevents true scalability, slows growth, hurts morale, and ultimately impacts your bottom line. It’s time to move on. Digibee’s iPaaS not only empowers your development team and maximizes their capabilities, we also enable your transition quickly, cost-effectively, and without heartbreak. Really.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Breaking up is hard to do

Change is often unavoidable – you can choose to prepare for it, or choose to react to it. We’ve heard all the reasons preventing organizations from leaving their co-dependent legacy iPaaS relationship. We aren’t pretending they aren’t valid, but making the change with Digibee may not be as hard as you think

We’ve listed a few of these “relationship struggles” below. If any of them resonate with you, talk to our team. We can address each of your concerns and put your mind at ease, strategizing your potential replacement and moving forward with a healthier integration partnership.

But, it’s comfortable

You’ve been with your legacy solution a long time. You have an understanding and leaving feels too disruptive. “We’re fine. It’s fine. I’m fine.” Sound familiar? 

Many technology professionals have lost sleep over technology replacements that proved so difficult to deploy that the new solution is underwhelming in comparison. Sure, change can be hard, but the reality is that ignoring necessary change can lead to your organization getting stuck – risking the growth and innovation needed to succeed and outshine your competitors. 

But, we know how it works. With IT teams already overextended, the decision to replace an existing “good enough” technology needs to be justified with an undeniable reason to act and a clear, quantifiable business outcome. Often, organizations don’t seek an alternative solution until a crisis arrives making the decision for them.

Changing vendors is an investment and you need assurance that disruptions and downtime will be minimal. Digibee’s implementation model minimizes downtime and includes onboarding your team quickly so they can be valuable almost immediately. Did we mention we’ve done it before

The way we were

You’ve been creating code together for years, there’s so much history and invested time. How can you just leave it all behind? 

The mere thought of walking out on your existing in-house solution and all its interconnections and customizations gives you so much anxiety that it seems easier to just stay. Digibee’s solution is not just robust and scalable, but it’s also low-code and composable. Change management is easy and repeatable, so your development team doesn’t have to continue down the usual path of constant customizations and tangled code. 

Digibee’s iPaaS empowers all developers – not just integration specialists – to easily build and monitor integrations. We are the first serverless iPaaS platform. Our architecture is born in the cloud and built on microservices. You can leave the complexity behind and position yourself for a future already built to be scalable and grow as your business grows.

Maybe it’s time to spice things up 

You chose your existing integration product for a reason. Opening up to a new vendor, especially when you already have one, might sound like more of a headache, but it could be the solution you need to alleviate your issues.

Sometimes, the right solution is a hybrid model, where Digibee works in tandem with your existing platform. Our team will take the time to understand the rationale and purpose of your existing solution. Whichever solution best suits your organization’s needs, Digibee’s team can walk you through step-by-step how they would approach each of your concerns and support every aspect of your transition.

The financial challenges would be too much 

You’ve invested so (so) much in this relationship. It’s hard to justify investing in another solution when technically, you already have one. 

We know budgets are constrained in our current economy. Let our team walk you through a detailed ROI analysis that explores the pros and cons of spend on your current solution versus Digibee. The reality often is, that the savings in time, resources, and money that a replacement or co-existing iPaaS can deliver, can be significant for your business.

Modern iPaaS solutions like ours are actually extremely cost-effective, especially compared to legacy solutions. Transitioning from an on-prem solution to a cloud solution also turns your investment from CapEx to OpEx, which provides additional financial benefits. And, our straight-forward, transparent pricing model includes onboarding, implementation and support services. We can empower your team to deliver in as little as six weeks or less. 

Change nothing, and nothing ever changes

If you’re tired of feeling stuck in a legacy relationship (and we didn’t say partnership for a reason) and looking to strategize the next steps for your business, we’d love to hear from you. 

Get in touch with our team today and let us walk you through how we can address each of your pain points with our simple, fast, modern approach to integration. 

Choosing the Right Tech Stack: Single Vendor Ecosystem or Best-of-Breed?

As a business and technology leader, some of the most critical technology decisions you face center on whether to broadly adopt an integrated suite from a single vendor or assemble a “best-of-breed” stack of specialized tools.

The associated set of decisions is the underpinning of your technology strategy, and the decisions you make will profoundly impact the flexibility, innovation and costs of your tech stack as you grow, scale and evolve your organization.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Choosing Digibee: Replace or Coexist?

We’ve come to recognize the change in facial expression.

Here at Digibee, we participate in a lot of in person technology events. The expression change I mentioned above typically follows a pattern. First, we engage an event attendee in conversation, tell them about Digibee’s serverless iPaaS, our users’ ability to enable seamless scale up and scale down, our event-driven capabilities, and we do a quick live demo of our iPaaS interface.

We can literally see the interest growing as we talk. Then the change happens, “Oh wait, we already use XYZ for integration.”

To be sure, your organization is using something for integration. With the average number of SaaS applications alone landing well over 100 deployments (and growing) at most organizations – not to mention the various systems, data sources and APIs you have in production – you’re very likely using some combination of iPaaS, automation technology, ESBs, middleware and homegrown coding to cobble it all together.

And we’re well aware of the reluctance to add more tools or to rip and replace installed technologies. You need to be sure that you’re not just adding more complexity to what already must feel like untenable technology sprawl. One more tool and one more budget line item require value to be validated.

Integration tech should empower developers..yet amidst all this sprawl it often becomes the bottleneck to productivity. And yet, the pain points associated with the various legacy iPaaS providers are real. Integration technology, when it really works the way it was intended, should empower developers and architects to innovate and build. There is a better way.

So, back to the event attendee who was excited about Digibee until they realized their organization already had an integration solution deployed. This sounds like it’s the conversation-ender, but it really is where our conversation begins. In fact, the majority of new Digibee users already had some form of integration technology in place, many already running one (or more!) iPaaS solutions.

New Digibee users commonly start with one of two scenarios: A rip and replace of an existing iPaaS or adding Digibee while leaving the legacy incumbent in place (for now).  

The pain points you identify for your enterprise will help you determine your best path forward to a modern integration strategy. You may choose to deploy Digibee to coexist with a legacy product. Or you could opt to end the relationship altogether and move unfettered into the future with Digibee. Let’s examine each option. 

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Option 1: Should you stay? 

Coexisting with a legacy integration solution makes a lot of sense for organizations that want to engineer change rapidly. 

By deploying an iPaaS in tandem with your existing system, you maintain the status quo while quickly standing up a modern platform, that can be used by all of your developers, to whittle down backlogs and enable innovation tracks. 

Coexistence triggers 

  • Ever-growing IT project backlogs that stifle the growth and success of the business. 
  • Limited resources to carry out integration work. 
  • Increased cost of licensing each time you add capacity. 

Coexistence benefits 

  • Quickly train and empower every developer to build and manage integrations at no extra cost. Limited resources to carry out integration work. 
  • Focus on the work your legacy solution is incapable of doing. Reduce and eliminate IT project backlogs in record time. 
  • Expedite innovation initiatives within a composable environment where modern applications and components from different vendors easily co-exist. 

Most importantly, the time and resources you invest in a coexistence integration model today will support the wholesale migration from your legacy integration product when you’re ready to take this final step. With a modern iPaaS already in place, the transition will be fast-tracked. Instead of starting from scratch, you’ll be well on your way. Make sure you capture these efficiencies in your ROI model.

Coexistence success story: Payless

Payless, a global retail footwear chain, needed to implement a new ecommerce platform so the retailer could sell its in-store merchandise online. Payless selected Digibee to integrate its retail management software with the new ecommerce platform. 

Although Payless had a legacy solution in place, the company knew it would take too long, be too costly, and require too many full time resources. To expedite the project, the retailer elected to install Digibee in parallel with the old system. 

The initiative was a resounding success, with Digibee connecting the new ecommerce system in 200 stores, across 15 countries, in less than 30 days. Get the full story: 

Option 2: Or should you go? 

A rip and replace scenario is rarely easy, regardless of the technology. The wholescale replacement of any business-critical system is always a significant consideration – especially when transitioning from your legacy integration product to a modern iPaaS, systems that literally connect your entire enterprise. 

However, the upsides are impressive and definitely worthwhile. Once implemented, the new iPaaS provides the business with unprecedented efficiencies and cost savings, while expediting important innovation tracks that support digital transformation and other progressive initiatives. 

Rip and replace triggers 

  • Inability to scale back expenses and increase the total cost of ownership (TCO) for development. 
  • Expensive and time-consuming system updates and end of support processes divert resources from higher value work. 
  • Ever-growing IT project backlogs stifle the growth and success of the business. 
  • Inability to support modern technologies that rely upon scalable and agile integrations. 
  • Dwindling ROI as the costs to maintain the legacy system rapidly outpace any value to the business. 
  • Specialized integration developers are too costly to hire, retain, and continually train and certify. 
  • Incapable of supporting merger and acquisition initiatives. 

Rip and replace benefits 

The upsides are similar to what you would realize with a coexistence scenario. However, the efficiencies scale even higher without the encumbrance of a legacy solution running in tandem. 

  • Quickly train and empower every developer to build and manage integrations at no extra cost. 
  • Immediately reduce and even eliminate IT project backlogs in record time. 
  • Fast track innovation within a composable environment where modern applications and components easily co-exist within an established infrastructure.

Rip and replace success story: Johnson Brothers

Johnson Brothers, a leading wine, beer, and spirits distributor in the United States, faced an important decision when its legacy integration system neared an end of support deadline. Either transition to the cloud version of the current product or choose a different direction for its integration strategy. 

After careful consideration, Johnson Brothers elected to rip and replace the incumbent solution, replacing it with Digibee. They were able to implement 6 years of integrations in 6 months time.

The company achieved an immediate savings of 40% on the integration platform purchase, with an implementation time 70% faster than upgrading to the cloud version of the legacy system. For more on this story, read Four Ways Johnson Brothers Praises Digibee Partnership.

Next steps with Digibee

If this blog post got you thinking about how modern integration can empower your developer team, I encourage you to download a free copy of the Digibee whitepaper: Does your enterprise integration strategy inspire or impede?, a detailed examination of the savings and efficiencies businesses achieve with modern integration technology.

For more information, and to get the conversation started, contact us to arrange for a live demonstration on Digibee in action.

5 Good Reasons Not to Displace a Deployed Technology

Let me start this blog post by stating that some of our most pleased customers here at Digibee are former users of legacy iPaaS platforms. You may have seen the news of our feature release using AI to seamlessly migrate integrations from other platforms to Digibee.

Or some of our customer stories of already using iPaaS technology, turning to Digibee to overcome major integration challenges. Plenty of proof that Digibee can help, even if you already run an iPaaS.

But change is hard. That phrase is a cliche because it’s so true. And most technology professionals have at least one terrible memory associated with the phrase ‘rip and replace’ – where a technology replacement is so difficult that the new solution ultimately underwhelms in comparison to the toil in the transition.

Add to this the reality of how busy IT and development teams constantly are, juggling priorities and scrambling to meet deadlines. Technology replacements need to be prompted by a justifiable, quantifiable reason to act, with a defined set of desired business outcomes. If an embedded solution is “just good enough” then its replacement plan can get delayed and delayed. The true benefits of a better alternative will have to wait for a crisis.

Indeed, most Digibee customers who leave another iPaaS are doing so for a specific reason – be it end of support of a legacy on-prem iPaaS solution, a new technology deployment that demands a modern approach to integration, or frustration with ever increasing costs with no commiserate increase in benefit. 

All Digibee users enjoy the scalability and agility of our iPaaS not just as backend infrastructure but as a platform for innovation. But to get to that plateau of composability, you need to start with the decision to move. So, in this post, we’re sharing the 5 reasons to not replace an established technology, as included in our eBook, ‘Does your integration strategy inspire or impede?

My goal is to show that our team and our technology are poised to help to not only improve your development team’s resourcing and output, but to get you there more quickly and easily than you might have thought possible. 

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

5 Reasons to NOT replace your iPaaS

Change is never easy. Whether you choose to rip and replace an existing system or implement a contemporary integration solution to coexist with an incumbent, it’s likely you will encounter some (if not all) of these objections:

1. “Ripping and replacing an established technology is too disruptive. The resources should be invested elsewhere.”

As with any proposed business investment, a detailed ROI will provide you with a strong position in countering this objection. As you research vendors, ask them to explain how their implementation model will ensure disruptions and downtime are minimized. Emphasize these capabilities within your ROI analysis, including a detailed offboarding strategy.

2. “The existing integration solution is too convoluted and interconnected. We will never unravel the coding that’s been created over the years.”

This is a common hurdle, especially for enterprises that have built some or all of their integration infrastructure in-house. Raise this in your discussions with potential vendors and ask how each would approach this scenario. Vendor responses should be constructive, including step-by-step details of how they will support this phase of the transition.

3. “We stand by our decision to invest in the incumbent solution and we’re not backing down.”

Personalities play a big part in decision-making. When you encounter a stakeholder who’s digging in their heels, take the time to understand their rationale when they selected the existing product. Often, the business case they made (efficiencies, cost savings, innovation, etc.) aligns with your project, potentially converting them to a proponent. If they are intransigent in their position, propose a hybrid model where old and new co-exist, with the new iPaaS focused on work that needs to be done, such as IT backlog projects.

4. “We don’t need to add even more vendors, especially when we already have an integration provider.”

Similar to the first objection, share a detailed ROI plan that reflects the savings in time, resources, and money that will be achieved with a new iPaaS, whether working in tandem with the old system or as a replacement. It’s difficult to counter a proposal that delivers measurable benefits to the business.

5. “Budgets are tight and it will be difficult to justify the spend when we already have a solution in place.”

Again, a strong ROI model will distinguish how the upside outweighs the downside when it comes to the spend. Modern-day iPaaS (unlike legacy integration) is extremely cost-effective, providing a simple pricing model that delivers all capabilities such as implementation and support services. For many enterprises, the shift from on-premises to the cloud converts the investment from CapEx to OpEx, delivering additional financial upsides.

Digibee: 2 paths to modernizing your integration strategy

All 5 of the above reasons to not change are valid. Yet, as our descriptions under each statement suggest, each is addressable in the vetting process of a potential replacement. 

When that replacement is Digibee, development and IT teams are commonly attracted by a few specific aspects of our iPaaS that legacy, monolithic integration providers can’t provide. One is the empowerment of all developers – not just integration specialists – to easily build, monitor and adapt integrations. Another is the composable nature of our platform. The serverless, born in the cloud architecture is built on microservices, so change management is easy and repeatable without the usual degree of code customization enterprises have become used to.

Sometimes wholesale replacement of an iPaaS is justifiable, and in many situations necessary. The speed in which Digibee can empower that change to meet deadlines imposed by end of support or other urgent, time-sensitive needs is well established. 

The other option is to use Digibee in conjunction with established iPaaS to burn down the backlog of integrations that legacy technology and not-enough-integration-specialists simply can’t get to. This provides an alternate path to utilize Digibee to empower your developers and modernize your integration strategy in phases.

Next steps with Digibee

We always love to hear from architecture and development leaders about how you’re currently approaching integration strategy, and how you anticipate that strategy’s evolution. If this blog struck a chord with pain points that you know your development team is enduring, but haven’t found a sufficient way to address them, then let’s talk. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Digibee’s born in the cloud iPaaS for a simpler, faster, and modern approach to integration, then contact us for a demonstration or, if you prefer, visit our product page.

4 Ways Johnson Brothers Praises Digibee Partnership

Johnson Brothers (JB), the 4th largest wholesaler and 3rd largest wine distributor in the US, manages over 27,000 unique alcohol products, each subject to different regulations, pricing structures, and distribution rules. JB partnered with Digibee and leveraged our cutting-edge technology to successfully tackle their integration challenges.

2024 Digibee Preview: The developer’s choice for enterprise integrations

In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, trends come and go. From the Y2K frenzy to the buzzword bonanza of big data, cloud computing and microservices, tech vendors often find themselves riding the same bandwagon, whether the solutions truly warrant the enthusiasm or not. Today, the wave we’re all surfing is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seems like everyone has an AI marketing message, but how many are releasing features that genuinely deliver real value?

In this blog post, I’m going to share a preview of innovations we’re adding to the Digibee Integration Platform in 2024 – and connect the dots on how they support our commitment to empower all developers to build integrations that enable faster, better development cycles. 

As you plan your development projects for 2024, I encourage you to read this blog while imagining how Digibee can empower you to meet and exceed your development timelines and objectives – and to unburden your development team to build and innovate.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Digibee: The developer’s choice for integration

For starters, let’s talk about what we mean when we say Digibee is the developer’s choice for integration. 

Before Digibee, sophisticated integration use cases were the domain of a handful of legacy iPaaS solutions. These integrations require the work of specialized integration developers to build and maintain. In most organizations, this specialization creates a bottleneck and a backlog of development projects – as developers wait for integration work to be completed. 

But there is a world of work that currently happens outside of the iPaaS platforms. Estimates show that a full two thirds of integrations are point to point, being completed by custom coding. So, these complex integrations aren’t being done by integration developers via iPaaS platforms or other integration tools. This coding time and effort should be avoidable, and it forces developers to do work that lacks both scale and governance.

Being the developer’s choice means delivering a platform for all developers to replace mundane coding and work that needs to be repeated. It means any developer can build sophisticated, enterprise use case integrations. It means all integrations can be built via a true iPaaS, leaving behind the hassles that come with writing, documenting and maintaining custom code.

AI and integration: for real results

As I mentioned above, there is no shortage of noise in the market about AI and its applications for the enterprise. I’m not being dismissive, there are some really interesting uses of AI and machine learning in play now – and many are being developed across a host of industries. My goal in this blog post is to be very specific on Digibee’s mission in this area and what it means for our customers.

Let me say first that Digibee has always been about abstracting away mundane tasks so developers can focus their time and effort on innovating and building, not integration-related coding. As the only enterprise-grade integration platform born in the cloud, Digibee’s containerized architecture means change management, scale, and reuse are core capabilities of the Digibee Integration Platform. That’s in our DNA, AI enablement or not.

Our product team is using AI to bolster this core mission of developer empowerment. You may have seen in June we introduced the Digibee AI assistant – a new capability in our customer training portal: the Digibee Academy 2.0. The technology is unique and AI-driven and tailored to answer questions in real-time from customers seeking information.

More recently, we introduced AI-based generator for documentation, as described in this KM World article:

“Despite its significance, creating detailed, clear integration documentation is rarely a simple, quick task. The manual documentation process is often wrought with inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and communication gaps that become more detrimental than originally intended, according to the vendor.

Digibee’s AI Generator for Pipeline Documentation is engineered to revolutionize this experience, reducing the time and effort spent on the manual production and management of pipeline documentation. This capability aims to deliver greater comprehension and clarity in the understanding of integration processes—for both technical and business users alike—through holistic pipeline analysis.”

This is the perfect example of how we’re using AI – to intelligently automate tasks that are both mundane and at risk of costly human error. 

The releases being planned between now and mid-2024 carry on this same theme, including a truly differentiated debugging experience, a first of its kind tool to migrate integrations onto Digibee from legacy integration platforms, and a pipeline generator.

In terms of empowering development teams to focus on development and not integration, these AI-led enhancements are turbo charging our already powerful engine. The future is bright for our customers.

Next steps with Digibee

I highly encourage leaders of development and architecture teams to schedule a demo with Digibee and let us share our capabilities. We find more and more that our new customers are those running one of the legacy iPaaS platforms, seeking a way to burn down the backlog of development projects that complicated integrations are holding up. Tell us your plans and we’ll show how we can help!