
Mariner Logistics Implements AI & Automation Strategy 24x Faster with Digibee

Digibee simplified complex integration challenges and accelerated product development 24x for this leading logistics company.

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Johnson Brothers Liquor Distributor Case Study

This case study examines how Johnson Brothers successfully tackled their integration challenges using Digibee’s cutting-edge technology.

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Lowe's successful integration with Digibee

A podcast discussion on Lowe’s successful integration utilizing Digibee’s iPaaS to transform shipping logistics.

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Digibee's iPaaS Enables Seamless Integration for Vissimo

Learn how Vissimo Group’s successful integration project through Digibee resulted in multiple benefits and added value for their customers.


Payless Ecommerce Integration Customer Story

Learn how Digibee delivered in less than 30 days for a Black Friday deadline, and secured an e-commerce platform for a global retailer.


Víssimo Transforms Their Business with Digibee's iPaaS

Learn how Digibee helped the Víssimo Group integrate their legacy platform with a market platform in record time with outstanding support.


GoPro's Successful Partnership with Digibee

Learn how Digibee’s seamless integration solution for GoPro transformed their workflows.


Supermarket Chain Case Study

The case study highlights how Digibee’s integration platform helped an international supermarket chain increase online sales by almost $2 million monthly.

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Maritime Logistics: Integrated Supplier Portal with ERP on Schedule

Learn how Digibee integrated a supplier portal with an ERP on schedule – dramatically improving efficiency and end-user experience in the process.

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Auto Manufacturer: Enabled Launch & Evolution of CaaS Platform

See how an international automobile manufacturer used Digibee as the strategic integration platform to launch a new Car as a Service (CaaS) platform.

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Supermarket Chain: Online Sales Grew Tenfold as a Result of Integration

Learn how Digibee helped a supermarket chain integrate a new e-commerce platform in less than 30 days resulting in online sales growing tenfold.

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Auto Manufacturer: Integrated Legacy to New System with Zero Downtime

Learn how a large auto manufacturer used Digibee to integrate their legacy Warehouse Management System to new SaaS routing system with zero downtime in this case study.

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Publishing Company: Connected Online Marketplace with New ERP

Read how Digibee aided a long-standing publishing company by connecting customer purchases in an online marketplace with a new ERP.

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Food Retailer: Elevated Shopping Experience & Increased Revenue

This case study demonstrates how Digibee helped an international food retailer elevate their online customer shopping experience and increase revenue in just over 30 days.

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Large Wholesaler: Implemented Scalable Time & Cost-Saving Process

This case study examines how Digibee implemented a scalable employee profit distribution process for a large wholesaler, saving time and money with automation.

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E-Commerce Enterprise: 82% Increase in Purchases with Seamless Integration

This case study shows how Digibee integrated an e-commerce enterprise with over 300 sellers seamlessly, aiding in 82% annual increase of customer purchases.

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Assaí Atacadista Successfully Automates Profit Distribution to its Workforce

In under 2 months, Digibee enabled a streamlined, secure integration and automation of variable income payments to employees.

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Global Retailer: Integrated POS System to Central ERP in One Month

Learn how Digibee integrated a POS System used in every store of this global retailer in Brazil, with a global ERP in China in just 4 weeks.

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Integration Use Case: IT Backlogs

Exploring scenarios where our enterprise iPaaS used in parallel with traditional integration technologies allows for a quick resolution of long-standing and backlogged IT projects.


Payless Integrates a Secure Platform Across 15 Countries in Under 30 Days

Payless and Digibee partnered to effectively connect an ecommerce platform for more than 200 stores well within an aggressive timeline.

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Bauducco Realizes $2M in Savings With a Rapid Integration

Bauducco’s integration project with Digibee to migrate their ERP to SAP S/4HANA Cloud was completed 4 months ahead of schedule.

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