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Digibee Employee Highlight Series: Rafael Nóbrega, Product Chief of Staff

I had a truly joyful discussion with the charismatic, funny, and insightful Rafael Nóbrega, our recently-named Product Chief of Staff. His energy is infectious, and I’m sure I could’ve talked to him for hours about his exciting work at Digibee, his plans for the future, and how he delivers a high performance at work without giving up his personal life. 

Why financial services can’t afford to put off cloud migration

This ebook covers how financial services organizations can ensure flexibility, agility, and scalability to stay relevant in a digital-first world.

Key highlights from this ebook

More and more, financial services organizations are turning to the cloud and modern technology as a way to grow their business and generate revenue. Transitioning away from aging on-premises infrastructure has become vital to ensure success in the finance vertical.

  • Only 13% of financial services firms have at least half their IT footprint in the cloud
  • 20% of financial services leaders say revenue increased at least 6% within 3 years of their cloud migration
  • IBM predicts at least 24% of bank’s IT budgets will be allocated to the cloud by 2024

The top 3 integration implementation challenges for finance include: legacy systems, lack of skills, and security.

For banks and financial services providers to succeed, they will need to leverage new tools and technologies to meet changing consumer demands – while also maximizing efficiency and boosting their bottom lines. Technology impacts convenience, profitability, efficiency and security in financial services.

Benefits of cloud of migration for financial services

  • Enhanced customer experiences meeting the rapid response today’s client’s expect
  • Improved decision-making with readily accessible, standardized data
  • An edge over the competition with automation, AI, other new tech tools
  • Increased efficiency of processes, decreasing the risk of human error
  • Preparation for the future – the longer organizations wait to move to the cloud, the more difficult it will be to maintain legacy systems

Digibee optimizes and simplifies cloud migration

  • With an established record of success helping financial services organizations quickly and painlessly move to the cloud, Digibee reduces cloud migration risks and optimizes your strategy.

Download the full ebook

Why cloud migration is key to industry 4.0 success

This ebook, pulled from the 2023 State of Enterprise Integration report, provides insights to help businesses stay ahead of their competitors.

Key highlights from this ebook

According to the Digibee State of Enterprise Integration report for Manufacturing, gaining
the ability to leverage artificial intelligence and automation is among the top three reasons
manufacturers are moving to the cloud in their digital transformation journeys:

  1. Improve security, reliability, and governance
  2. Improve/enhance business analytics & decision making
  3. Enable automation and AI

Companies leading the Industry 4.0 (the fourth industrial revolution, or 4IR) charge are building a competitive advantage. (page 5)

Manufacturers are leveraging technology in:

  • Production through sensors, robotic tools, and the right software
  • Decision-making through improved data collection and analysis
  • Supply Chain through improved forecasting and automation
  • Workforce through digital tools that improve the employee experience

Benefits of cloud of migration for manufacturers (page 7)

  • Increased efficiency by streamlining operations and reducing unplanned downtime
  • Improved oversight and forecasting with accessible standardized data
  • Agility and scalability to support the power and capacity manufacturers need
  • Reliability and security to protect resources and minimize risk
  • Preparation for the future with AI-powered tools

Digibee simplifies cloud migration (page 10)

  • With an established record of success helping manufacturers quickly and painlessly move to the cloud, Digibee reduces the friction associated with legacy integration solutions.

Your Guide to Understanding iPaaS: Integration Platform as a Service

Digital transformation and architecture modernization have become a top priority for organizations as the shift to omnichannel and digital-first strategies continues to accelerate. Integration plays a key role in this trend, and you’ve probably been bombarded with messaging on the importance of the right integration strategy. 

Point-to-point integration, APIs, ESBs, iPaaS – the options can be confusing and differentiating between them can be difficult. The proliferation of “as-a-service” business models means iPaaS at least sounds slightly familiar. But what is an iPaaS anyway?


Digibee Employee Highlight Series: Justin McCoubry, Head of Marketing, US

As we conclude our Pride month celebration, we are thrilled to highlight another member of the LGBTQIA+ community leading our Marketing team in the US. He’s a Survivor superfan, travelholic, thespian, dog-lover, community-builder, mentor, and recreational sport enthusiast. Meet our fierce, organized, driven, candid, passionate Head of US Marketing, Justin McCoubry, and read about the work his team is doing to elevate Digibee’s brand across the US!

Improving and Enabling Manufacturing Efficiency through Integration

The manufacturing sector has long been a leader in innovation. The industrial revolution over a century ago centered on the adoption of mechanical advances to produce items at speeds and volumes that would have been previously unimaginable. 

Henry Ford’s concept of the assembly line in the 1910’s, Toyota’s Kanban methodology introduced in the 1940’s and Kaizen in the 1980’s, and Motorola’s development of Six Sigma in the 1990’s are additional revolutionary principles established by manufacturing, then adopted by many other industries. 

In 2023, manufacturing challenges center upon computer integrated manufacturing and data proliferation. 

Creating a Seamless Customer Experience in Ecommerce Environments

There are countless articles on how to build a meaningful customer experience strategy, whether specifically in ecommerce or in any type of selling environment. And while we all strive to continuously, proactively add technologies and process improvements designed to enhance the experience of our customers, sometimes a cautionary tale – learning what not to do – can be particularly insightful.  

Everyone has been in the role of consumer, so it’s not a stretch to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What excites you? What entices you to buy? What prompts you to leave a 1-star review or quit on a sale before it’s final? Regardless of what’s being sold – from souvenir t-shirts to private jets – the desired experience is essentially the same. In this blog, we share a true narrative customer experience gone wrong, and tips on how to avoid this sort of scenario.


How Low-Code Integration is Changing the Lives of Software Developers

Once considered an impediment to software development, low-code was viewed as a rigid, templated coding style that hindered creativity. 

Today, many software engineers and developers view low-code as a liberator…almost the AI of software development, automating mundane steps while freeing up human capital to focus on higher value work.

Introducing the Digibee AI Assistant

Innovation at Digibee is a top priority. After all, our mission is to help our customers in their digital transformation journeys, so it only makes sense that Digibee evolves on a similar path. 

With some of the brightest minds in the industry, the Digibee team has an insatiable curiosity and inherent desire to continually improve how enterprises integrate and innovate. Our best ideas are based on our understanding of what’s needed and what’s next. And then we make it happen.