Category: Enterprise Integration Solutions

Integration and the 360 Degree Customer View

Creating a positive customer experience is a key to any business success story. It is a highly iterative and circular process, relying on the quality of communication between the business and customer. With proper customer experience management a business learns where they have met, exceeded, or fallen short in meeting their customer’s needs, and these insights become integral to improving revenue and future performance.

Building a 360 degree customer view—a comprehensive consolidated collection of all of a customer’s data—is an extremely valuable tool in this process of accurately capturing customer behaviors that may indicate opportunities for improvement.

Digibee 2023 State of Enterprise Integration Report: The stories behind the data

Our second annual survey of the enterprise integration market was published today, unveiling some intriguing insights and generating plenty of discussion. 

In reviewing the survey results, I was struck by one constant. Most organizations now consider integration to be a core requirement for their digital transformation initiatives. In fact, coupled with cloud migration (a critical enabler in most modernization projects), digital transformation is the top integration objective in the survey, with almost 30% of respondents ranking it number one.

This is an amazing result, especially when you consider that just a few short years ago, the majority of enterprises were still on the fence about implementing iPaaS technology.

What is Cloud-to-Cloud Migration (and Why Should You Care)?

Cloud-to-cloud migration is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the process of moving digital assets (data, applications, etc.) from one cloud environment to another. 

You’ve probably read more articles than you’d like to admit about the how, why, and when of moving your systems, data, and applications to the cloud. But cloud-to-cloud migration? Try finding information on that, and your searches will probably yield a lot fewer results.

The Case for Composable Commerce – 3 Signs it is Right for Your Company

If your company went through a digital transformation during your tenure, and it was a huge painful and complicated affair for everyone involved, we have some unwelcome news for you… you should consider doing it again, and sooner rather than later.

This suggestion doesn’t come from some digital schadenfreude, rather because many businesses should be examining a transformation to composable enterprise architecture for the sake of their long-term success in the face of an ever-changing technological landscape. In this blog, we aim to detail the benefits of such a strategy, and advice on taking pain, time and expense out of the process.

At this point, composable architecture has been a hot topic for several years now, and has proved itself to be much more than some passing fad. Gartner reported back in 2020 that “Composable Commerce Must Be Adopted for the Future of Applications”, and continues to highlight its importance. In Gartner’s Top Technology Trends of 2023, composability is an assumed part of the technology landscape.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

ESB or iPaaS: Which is Better for a Retail IT Integration?

This blog is part of an occasional series that we share to help integration-focused IT and development professionals to educate your organizational peers and advocate for the important work you do.

Are you a retailer struggling to find the best solution for your IT integration? You need something that is agile enough to scale during peak periods and retract during slower cycles–a workable system that will integrate legacy on-premises architecture with cloud-based applications. 

Most importantly, you need IT infrastructure that delivers the best omni-channel customer experience (CX) while managing massive levels of big data across multiple locations. That’s a tall order. No wonder it’s keeping you up at night. Your decision will have lasting effects on your company. The wrong move could hit the bottom line hard.

Composable Commerce: Is Ecommerce Integration Really a “Must”?

Composable commerce is a concept that has gained substantial popularity in the last several years, and is poised to be one of the critical business differentiators in the year ahead for retailers. While the concept of composability fundamentally resonates with IT professionals, the devil is in the details (as it always is).

How do you define composability when specifically applied to ecommerce and retail tech? How do you define the benefits of composable commerce – and the risks of not moving towards composability?

And most importantly, what can you actually do today that will start the transformation from monolithic to composable?

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

ESB vs iPaaS: How to Choose the Best Solution For Your IT Integrations

This blog is part of an occasional series that we share to help integration-focused IT and development professionals to educate your organizational peers and advocate for the important work you do.

Business and IT leaders struggle with complex – and often pricey – IT decisions that have significant and lasting effects on their companies. The IT landscape is constantly changing, so it can be difficult to know what’s best for right now and for the future. The wrong decision could hit a company’s bottom line hard and cause ongoing headaches that are entirely avoidable.

This article compares Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) models with integration-as-a-service (iPaaS) solutions for today’s integration needs. For a fair comparison, first, you should understand the difference between ESB and iPaaS.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

What is ESB and is it already obsolete?

An Enterprise Service Bus, otherwise known as an ESB, is a type of IT architecture that allows multiple applications to communicate through a hub or bus-like infrastructure. What is Enterprise Service Bus and what does ESB mean for your IT integration?

An ESB integration basically establishes principles and rules that guide the communication capabilities of different applications.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

Customer Experiences: Putting Your Technology Where Your Mouth Is

Delivering an exceptional, personalized customer experience (CX) requires more than a whizz-bang website and an intelligent chatbot (as engaging as these may be). The reality is that the customer experience is ongoing and forever. Yes, the biggest hurdle is converting an initial website or store visit into a sale, but the CX doesn’t end there. It’s really just beginning.

Cloud Migration: Why It’s More Important Than Ever and How to Get it Right

Cloud migration isn’t a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. Cloud-based services have become so ubiquitous that we use them multiple times a day without a second thought. But despite the universal nature of cloud computing, what is changing is its importance in the business world.

No longer a “nice to have,” embracing cloud has become vital to enterprises’ growth, success, and ability to compete, as digital natives – companies that have never existed anywhere but the cloud – emerge and leverage new technologies and business models to disrupt the status quo.

Even though most organizations already use cloud technologies in some form, it’s still crucial to weigh the benefits of cloud migration against the risks and challenges it poses to your operations.

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business. 

How a Unified Retail Commerce Model is Reshaping the Industry, According to Gartner®

Successful retailers are resilient, able to respond to changes in the market with agility and poise. In recent years, the role of technology has proven to be the biggest differentiator, enabling retailers to easily accommodate the unexpected, while less prepared entities simply fade away.

But with new technology and business models comes new methods in how we measure business and performance outcomes. 

In a recent Gartner report, analysts examine this shift. The research emphasizes the role of strategic CIOs and other leaders in creating new, digital KPIs that measure and quantify progress, informing important decisions, and ensuring the success of the business. 

>> Book a personalized demo with our team of experts and see how Digibee’s iPaaS will bring efficiency to your business.