Category: Enterprise Integration Solutions

Press Fast-Forward: How to Reduce Time to Market with Digibee’s iPaaS

There are many financial benefits to enterprise integration and employing Digibee’s enterprise iPaaS, such as the cost saving of being able to use more junior developers, but beyond that there are also sizable financial gains to be made through speed, namely the benefits of a faster time to revenue through a faster product release cycle.

A recently-conducted Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of Digibee Report provided an opportunity for a third-party assessment that systematically explored the outcomes of partnering with Digibee for enterprise Integration. Using a composite organization modeled on the characteristics of interviewees’ organizations, this TEI report attributed +$1.3M of the +$5.9M total benefits Present Value (PV) to allowing a faster time to market for new products and services – that’s over one-fifth of total monetary benefits!

The Bigger Picture: How Data Analytics Integration with EI Support Retail Demand Forecasting

Graphic of bar chart

Retail information systems must find a way to work as a conduit between the digital world and the physical world, a real challenge when both are constantly changing in different ways. On one end, the customer expects a quick, easy, personalized omnichannel experience from the comfort of their couch, on the other end your retail IT solutions have to not only provide that, but then also provide a fast and seamless delivery of the physical items they bought, even if it’s 200 pounds of Italian marble for their kitchen counter. 

Every physical product requires raw materials, manufacturing, and then shipping to (at a minimum) the end user. As there is no way around incurring these costs, ending up with excess inventory can quickly become a major expense. But since this manufacturing process also takes more time than a customer would be willing to wait, in most cases it has to be completed prior to a client’s order, meaning a retailer again ends up in a challenging position where they risk having too much or too little on-hand. In this way, accurate retail demand forecasting is essential for preserving your bottom line.

How Integration Capsules Accelerate Digital Transformation

Is outdated technology holding back your digital transformation efforts? You’ve probably heard that integration solutions can help modernize legacy architecture, but which one is right for you, and how can you minimize integration costs and disruptions to your operations? In this post, we’ll explore reusable integration capsules and how Digibee uses them to make integration simple and efficient.

Many organizations are moving toward IT system integration as a way to modernize their enterprise, accelerate digital transformation, improve business processes and achieve better results from their digital transformation strategy.

Why In-Demand Tech Jobs Will Still Be Hard to Fill in 2023

The “Great resignation” is over, and with it some of the hiring challenges seen in the past years. Moving away from the pandemic lockdowns and into global economic unrest, what jobs continue to be hot in a cooling market?

If recessions are upon us, will we soon see the historical high unemployment seen in past recessions, and therefore a swift change in favor of employers who had previously struggled to source talent? Not quite. Forrester predicts that 80% of companies will pivot their innovation efforts to prioritize resilience, meaning that while some roles may now be less competitive, or even at risk, the roles that most closely align with the goals of resilience will stay as in-demand tech jobs in 2023.

Retail Digital Transformation in 2023: Loud and in the Cloud

The cloud, combined with digital technologies, has reinvented how retailers connect with and serve their customers. Once the domain of megastores and e-commerce platforms with the budget and resources to support on-premises infrastructure, today the cloud is unlocking digital customer experiences for retailers of all shapes and sizes. 

And merchants are loving it, able to create personalized and curated experiences across multiple channels while driving up conversion rates and average order value (AOV). But it wasn’t always like this.

How Data Integration Benefits Businesses Beyond the IT Department

The right integration solution can mean huge gains for your organization’s IT department. It’s not a secret – in fact, it’s the focus of most articles about the benefits of data integration: reduced costs, improved developer efficiency, and less reliance on increasingly hard-to-find IT specialists. But what about the rest of your business? 

If your IT department is among the few that have no trouble with skills shortages or rising costs, you might think you don’t need an integration platform. Don’t fall into this trap. There are a variety of ways other departments can benefit from the adoption of an integration platform as well.

Why Isn’t Your Integration Platform Helping to Reduce Your IT Backlog?

IT teams are under increasing pressure to resolve burgeoning backlogs. Perceived by internal stakeholders as a critical business blocker, failure to execute on these initiatives impacts the future success of the business. With too many projects and not enough time or resources to make headway, a neglected backlog of work also impacts IT morale. No one likes a backlog.


How Will IT Spending Trends Drive Innovation in 2023?

It doesn’t take an expert to identify that the US economy – and really, the global economy – is not at its most stable. Discussions on recession, cost-cutting, and finding efficiencies are everywhere. And in many cases, the IT department is the focus of those looking to free up extra dollars amid economic instability.

At the same time, the tech industry outlook offers stories of innovation, integrations, and new solutions. The contrast is stark. What is the future of an IT industry on the cusp of so many new developments without the funds to pay for them? And which IT spending trends will shape enterprises in 2023?

Digibee’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2022

We launched our blog, Digibeat, in August of 2022 and began sharing insights and strategies on some of the crucial topics businesses are facing today. As we look towards planning new content for 2023, we wanted to share our most popular Digibee blog posts of 2022.

Drumroll please…

#1 Digibee’s Top 3 Tech Predictions for 2023

A fascinating discussion with Co-founder and CEO Rodrigo Bernardinelli; Co-founder and CTO Peter Kreslins; Field CTO, North America, Tam Ayers, and moderated by CMO Cait Porte about current and future IT industry trends and what some of our leadership predicts we’ll see in 2023. 


#2 What is iPaaS for Enterprise (iPaas) and Why Should Enterprises Care?

Enterprise Integration Platform-as-a-Service (or iPaaS) offers companies new opportunities to transform the way they manage IT resources. Learn more about what enterprise iPaaS is, what you should expect, the benefits, and the many reasons why having an enterprise iPaaS matters for your business. 


#3 3 Benefits of Digital Transformation in the Retail Industry

The effects of the pandemic made the benefits of digital transformation in the retail industry painfully clear to brands still reliant on legacy architecture. Companies had to adapt quickly to survive. Learn more about the common barriers the retail industry faces and the benefits of utilizing an eiPaaS solution to support digital transformation.


#4 How enterprise iPaaS Supports IT Cost Reduction Strategies

Industries across the globe are facing an unprecedented shortage of skilled employees, particularly in IT. Leaders are scrambling to implement IT cost reduction strategies as they compete for a dwindling pool of experts. We explore how a low code eiPaaS solution can reduce pressures caused by the confluence of rising demand for modernization and the IT talent shortage, empowering team members with less expertise to take on tasks previously reserved for senior developers.


#5 Who Owns Enterprise Integration Management? (Surprise! It’s Not Who You Think.) 

Integration is a critical first step in the digital transformation process, especially for organizations dependent on legacy infrastructure and siloed data. Different players on your team may have competing priorities as they consider integration tools. This post includes insights for strategizing and determining who should own managing your organization’s enterprise integration solution.


#6 Why Enterprise Integration Journeys are Failing 

The information we collected in our 2022 State of Enterprise Integration Report revealed many business leaders have concerns about the investment of time, resources, and the money required to fund an enterprise integration initiative. However, eiPaaS solutions are helping organizations integrate data and applications, and connect ecosystems, APIs, and events. Learn more how you can implement a successful, cost-effective enterprise integration strategy. 


#7 Forrester Total Economic Impact Report for Digibee: How We Measure Up  

Digibee partnered with a neutral third party, Forrester, to collect and analyze feedback from our clients for an honest appraisal on how we’ve done, exploring and quantifying the value our customers derive from our eiPaaS. Discover the results of the Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of Digibee Report, including our customers satisfaction with the value Digibee delivers.


#8 SAP S/4HANA Transition: What’s the Rush?

SAP announced it would sunset support for its on-premise ERP in five years. While that may seem like ample time to migrate, we explore the reasons to start your SAP S/4HANA transition now. This post also includes a video about planning for your SAP/ S4HANA migration with Field CTO, North America, Tam Ayers and CMO Cait Porte.


#9 From Average to Amazing with the Gartner Integration Maturity Model

Understanding your current state of integration helps to inform your overall strategy, providing tangible markers you must achieve in the advancement of this business-critical initiative. We discuss the five stages of the Gartner Integration Maturity Model and how businesses can utilize its framework to determine where your organization stands, including delivery, strategy, platform, and engagement models across the stages.

#10 Financial Services: What are the Top Cloud Migration Challenges You Must Overcome?

Shifting from on-premises to a cloud environment delivers significant efficiencies for financial services organizations, however, cloud adoption in the financial services sector remains at a very early stage. This post provides helpful insights for financial services organizations to mitigate–and even avoid–many of the common challenges and pain points, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruptions to the business.


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